Disagreement over Iraq Interim Constitution

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Iraqi leaders trying to meet a U.S.-set deadline for finishing an interim constitution on Saturday faced disagreement on major issues, with several Shiites walking out of last-minute talks over the role of Islam on women's rights. According to The AP, members of the Iraqi Governing Council were trying to reach consensus on a charter that will serve as the basis of the legal system after the U.S.-led occupation returns sovereignty to the Iraqis on June 30. But several hours of talks were halted late Friday after eight of 13 Shiite council members walked out over a decision not to make Islamic law the basis for issues like divorce and inheritance issues, according to Mahmoud Othman, a Sunni Kurd council member. Othman and other council members said earlier this week that some of the most contentious issues may not be resolved at all in the interim constitution and could be held over until work starts on a permanent charter next year. Raja Habib al-Khuzaai, a Shiite council member, said negotiations were expected to resume later Saturday. The top U.S. administrator in Iraq, L. Paul Bremer, must approve the final version. **PHOTO CAPTION*** Members of the US-picked Iraqi Governing Council. (AFP/File/Marwan Naamani)

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