Libya Destroys Chemical Weapons

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In Libya more than 3,000 unfilled chemical bombs have been destroyed under international supervision. The United Nations body that supervises the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) says that this is only the first stage of Libya's chemical disarmament. On Friday Libyan officials are expected to deliver a complete inventory of all chemical weapons stocks and production facilities to UN offices at The Hague. Libya said in December it would give up its WMD programmes after US-UK talks. Libya's first step in chemical disarmament was a decidedly low-tech affair - bulldozers were used to crush the casings of the unfilled chemical bombs. The destruction was achieved ahead of schedule and the director general of the UN's Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Rogelio Pfirter, commented on the "swift and co-operative spirit of compliance on the part of the Libyan authorities". **'Significant stocks'*** Much more work is still to be done. On Friday morning, Libyan officials will arrive at the OPCW's headquarters in The Hague to hand over a detailed declaration of their country's chemical weapons programme. This will list existing stocks of chemical agents and provide an inventory of production facilities and associated equipment. This, in turn, will all have to be destroyed under the watchful eye of inspectors. Libya is thought to have had significant stocks of mustard agent and to have carried out research to produce the nerve agents sarin and soman. The Libyan example is an unusual one in the world of arms control. Last December, the Libyans revealed their intention to give up all weapons of mass destruction, following months of secret talks with British and US officials. Nuclear inspectors from the OPCW's sister organisation, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), have already been at work assessing Libya's nuclear weapons programme, although this was less advanced than the country's chemical weapons activities. **PHOTO CAPTION*** Muammar Al-Qaddafi.

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