Bombing Attack South of Baghdad as US Soldier Dies near Fallujah

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Unidentified bomber blew up explosives in his car outside the house of a police chief south of Baghdad on Tuesday, killing himself and injuring seven others, officials said. The bombing took place in the town of Hillah, some 100 kilometers south of Baghdad. Police Maj. Ali Jawad said guards outside the house of Hillah police chief Brig. Gen. Qeis Hamza opened fire at the car when they saw it speeding toward them, but failed to stop the attacker. According to The AP, four of the injured were guards, the three others residents of nearby houses, Jawad said. The blast damaged the chief's house and those of his neighbors. East of Baghdad in Diala province late Monday, a U.S. soldier was wounded when a rocket propelled grenade was fired at his convoy, a U.S. official said. Also Monday, west of Baghdad, a bomb explosion near a U.S. military convoy killed an American soldier, a U.S. official said. The attack was reported northwest of the town of Fallujah. **PHOTO CAPTION*** A demonstration by about 1,500 Iraqi students moves past a U.S. Army vehicle in the town of Hilla March 13, 2004. Students were protesting against the country's newly signed interim constitution, claiming the document is divisive. (REUTERS/Akram Saleh)

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