Anti-Globalisation Protest in Warsaw

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Thousands of people have gathered for a demonstration in the capital of Poland, as the country prepares to enter the European Union. Anti-globalisation activists marched through the city centre in a rally which coincided with a major economic summit being hosted by Warsaw, marking the reunification of Europe. The countdown is on to Saturday when ten nations, including Poland, will take their place within the EU. Protesters carried placards and banners reading: "People are more important than profits." Chanting anti-capitalist, anti-war and anti-globalisation slogans, marchers included anarchists, radical trade unionists and a group of laid-off miners. Amid fears of the kind of rioting that has erupted at other Economic Forum sites such as Seattle and Genoa, many shops and cafes have boarded up their windows. One policeman surveying the crowd, however, expressed relief that rumours predicting a massive influx of football hooligans had so far proved unfounded. **PHOTO CAPTION*** Young people shout slogans during a demonstration of anti-globalization protestors and left-wing groups against the European Economic Summit in Warsaw, Poland, on Thursday, April 29, 2004. (AP)

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