Blair Vows to Continue Supporting Bush on Iraq

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Tony Blair has dismissed calls for him to distance himself from US President George Bush and insisted he would not change course over Iraq. In his first interview since the emergence of allegations that British and US soldiers mistreated prisoners in Iraq, the British Prime Minister made clear that he would stand by Bush. It was "in the interests of the world" that the US/UK military coalition remained in Iraq", he told The Independent. Blair said: "Despite the appalling stuff about prisoner abuse, we are trying with the majority of the Iraqi people to get the country on its feet. The people who are attacking coalition forces and assassinating construction and aid workers are trying to stop us. "We have just got to make sure we prevail and succeed. It is in the interests of the world that we do. The alternative is not one we should contemplate." **PHOTO CAPTION*** Tony Blair (L) looks towards George W. Bush. (AFP)

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