Bomb Blasts outside British Bank in Turkey on Eve of Blair Visit

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Three homemade bombs exploded overnight in front of branches of the British bank HSBC in Ankara and Istanbul, on the eve of a visit here by British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Two devices exploded at around 10:30 pm (1930 GMT) outside HSBC branches in Istanbul, the biggest city in the country, causing minor damage, the NTV and CNN-Turk television channel reported. A third homemade bomb exploded noisily, but without great force, towards midnight outside another HSBC branch in central Ankara, the Anatolia news agency reported. That blast blew out windows in the building and caused minor damage to cars parked near the bank, according to an AFP photographer at the scene. There were no reports of any injuries from the explosions. Police beefed-up security at other HSBC branches in Ankara. Blair was to begin a brief working visit in Ankara later Monday where he will discuss Turkey's bid to join the European Union, the issue of divided Cyprus and cooperation in the fight against terror, following a string of deadly bomb attacks in Istanbul. Blair will become the first British Prime Minister to visit Turkey for 14 years. He is due to meet with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan and with President Ahmet Necdet Sezer during the one-day visit. Blair and Erdogan are to give a joint press conference following the talks. **PHOTO CAPTION*** A man cleans glass from broken windows at the HSBC Bank in Ankara after a small bomb exploded overnight in front of the branch of the British bank. (AFP)

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