Saudis Tortured at Guantanamo Bay

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Five Saudis who were detained at Guantanamo Bay claim they were tortured at that American military installation, a Saudi lawyer said. The Saudi allegations follow allegations by Britons released from Guantanamo that they were abused there. The International Red Cross Committee, the only international entity allowed access to the Guantanamo prisoners, has said it will inspect the facility and interview detainees there later this month. Five Saudis who were released from Guantanamo and returned home in May 2003 "confirmed they were subjected to torture and mistreatment when they were first incarcerated in Afghanistan, and later on during questioning at Guantanamo," Kateb Al Shemmari, a lawyer who once represented the five, said. **PHOTO CAPTION*** A Guantanamo Bay detainee prays (R) in his caged cell as another detainee looks on. (AFP)

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