Egypt Authorities Accused of Torture

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The Egyptian Attorney General has cancelled a follow-up visit by members of parliament and the National Security and Defence Committee (NSD) to the Turra prison following allegations of torture and in some cases, murder. The cancellation followed an earlier meeting with some detainees after reports of abuse and brutality including the death of Akram Zuhairi, a Muslim Brotherhood member, due to alleged torture. The detainees, members of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, were among the 60 rounded up in security sweeps across the country. They were charged with plotting against the state. ''This is a claim the government has used for over 70 years as an excuse to detain people,'' a Brotherhood spokesman said. He said Zuhairi, a 42 year old owner of a construction company and father of three, died on Wednesday under dubious circumstances. According to fellow detainees an ''accident'' left Zuhairi with a broken leg while being transferred. Being diabetic only worsened the situation for him. ''We begged them to get x-rays taken or to see a doctor. He was clearly suffering. But they left him for eight days without any medical attention,'' Dr. Muhammed Mursi, a MP, quoted the detainees as saying. "Many of his [Zuhairi's] colleagues have also been exposed to brutal forms of torture at the hands of the state security in Nasr City," The Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, a human rights body, said in a statement. It added that those responsible for such acts "should be held to account." Dr. Muhammed Mursi, other members of parliament and the NSD were allowed to visit the Turra prison on Wednesday. They were given permission by the Attorney General to meet nine detainees from the Brotherhood. On Wednesday 9 June ''we met with four out of nine'' detainees and learnt that ''twelve, and not nine had lodged the complaint,'' Dr. Mursi said. He said during their meeting with the detainees they were told that their time had elapsed and were made to leave. They were informed that further meetings would be postponed to Saturday 12 June. ''Then it was postponed again to Monday 13 June. But on Sunday all meetings with detainees were cancelled indefinitely,'' Dr. Mursi said. He said the MPs and members of the NSD have ''confirmed the allegations of abuse and torture by interrogators. A comprehensive report will be submitted to parliament within the next few days.'' ''We want this inhuman, illegal treatment of detainees to come to an end. These type of actions are unacceptable and against humanity. They have not even been examined by doctors.''

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