Neo-Nazi Purchase Alarms German Villagers

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Doerverden is a tranquil commuter village near Bremen, in Lower Saxony. When an idyllic 19th century manor house was sold after having been vacant for five years, no one had a clue who the buyer was. The buildings, surrounded by an estate of 26,000 square meters, used to be a German army barracks. It turns out the new owner is Juergen Rieger, a neo-Nazi lawyer with past convictions for inciting racial hatred. It seems he wants to se up what the locals are calling a Nazi baby farm. One villager said: "If they get this, I'll protest against it. "Another insisted: "He shouldn't come here. It's a quiet village. The extreme right don't belong here." Rieger has said that he wants to set up a fertility research centre, helping married couples to have children in a country where surrogate motherhood is illegal. Villagers fear he could establish a Neo-Nazi training ground. Rieger has operated a similar project elsewhere in the region; Lower Saxony authorities shut it down in 1998.

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