Boy, 17, Given Life for Video Game Murder

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A teenager who battered his younger friend to death as he allegedly acted out scenes from the violent computer game "Manhunt" was detained for life yesterday by a court in central England. Legal experts said that Warren Leblanc, 17, would likely be held at a juvenile detention centre until his 18th birthday, after which he would be sent to an adult prison. Leblanc had pleaded guilty to the murder at an earlier court appearance to killing 14-year-old Stefan Pakeerah in a park in Leicester, saying that he had planned to rob the youngster of 75 pounds (BD51). But the prosecution noted that Pakeerah was left with at least 50 separate injuries and alleged that Leblanc, armed with a knife and claw hammer, lured his victim to the park before carrying out the fatal attack on February 26 this year. **Detention*** Pakeerah's parents blamed the attack on "Manhunt", a best-selling computer game in which players earn points for stealth killings in a decaying urban enviroment infested with deadly gangs. "What happened went far beyond what was necessary to rob him, particularly a 14-year-old boy," said judge Michael Stokes as he sentenced Leblanc to life detention starting with a minimum 13 years behind bars. "I do not pretend to know or understand what prompted you to behave as you did," he said in his courtroom in the central city of Leicester. "One thing is clear - you and you alone were responsible for this prolonged, vicious and murderous attack on someone who thought of you as a friend." **PHOTO CAPTION*** Leicester Park.

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