More Dead in Iraq Clashes

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At least three Iraqis have been killed and more than a dozen wounded as US-led forces renewed their attacks on the northern town of Tal Afar amid country-wide clashes. Three Iraqis were killed and 12 others were injured in fighting on Sunday, Dr Fawzi al-Tahhan, director of the Tal Afar hospital, told Aljazeera. And in other incidents, two blasts north of Baghdad left at least six Iraqis and one US soldier injured, while clashes are continuing in the capital's Sadr City district. In the town of Tal Afar, near Mosul, al-Tahhan called on the Iraqi government "to intervene to end this massacre, save the city from the dangerous consequences of the clashes and allow families to return to their homes". "The victims are usually innocent civilians," the doctor added. Many families have fled the fighting for Mosul and nearby villages. On Saturday, at least 13 people, including women and children, were killed and 60 others wounded as clashes erupted in the town. **Critical condition*** "Most of the injured are in a critical condition, forcing us to send them to Mosul due to a shortage of surgeons in our hospital." He said the number of casualties was expected to rise as resistance fighters are patrolling the streets and occupation helicopters are hovering over the city. The doctor said hospital staff are finding it difficult to reach the injured as ambulances "are coming under random gunfire" by occupation forces. The fighting began after US troops and Iraqi forces encircled al-Sarai and Hasankul districts in the town. **Car blast*** Elsewhere, a car bomb exploded near a US military patrol on Sunday in the town of Dujail, some 40km north of Baghdad, wounding a US soldier and two Iraqi civilians, the US military said. "The soldier was evacuated to a coalition medical centre and is in stable condition," said Sergeant Robert Powell, spokesman for the 1st Infantry Division. The Iraqis were treated at the scene, he added. He said US forces detained three suspects in a nearby building. Witnesses saw one vehicle on fire as American troops sealed off the road. And at least four more Iraqis were injured after an explosive device detonated on the main road west of Baquba, north-east of Baghdad, Aljazeera has learnt. The explosion targeted a US military patrol but there have been no immediate reports of casualties among occupation soldiers. **Sadr City clashes*** Meanwhile, clashes and the US bombing of civilians are still continuing in Sadr city, a spokesman for the al-Mahdi Army has told Aljazeera. "The clashes have erupted due to the US forces and Iraqi government violation of the truce, arrest operations, storming of safe houses and restoring bloody talks rather than peaceful ones", said Abu Thar al-Kinana. Al-Kinani pointed out the safe houses were home to "disarmed people who have nothing to do with the ongoing operations". "We hold the Iraqi government and the US forces responsible for those provocative terrorist actions, causing bloodshed and massacres in the safe al-Sadr city." The spokesman also said "they (US forces) have also pursued al-Mahdi Army members who have sought peace and wanted to solve the crisis in the city." **Warning*** Al-Kinana warned that "if the uprising breaks out again, it will be in all Iraqi governorates, not only Sadr city." "One of the points we have agreed on is that US forces do not enter this city except for reconstruction purposes," al-Kinani said. However, the spokesman pointed out that US forces "have reinforced their armored vehicles in the city, surrounded it and carried out vast arrest operations." "America is still working according to its terrorist mind that wants to manage the whole world and eliminate any peace operations in order to be the number one in committing crimes and causing bloodsheds," he added **PHOTO CAPTION*** Armed Iraqis cheer and gesture victory signs at Tal Afar, near Mosul, northern Iraq, Sunday Sept. 5, 2004. (AP)

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