Killer Armed with Hammer on Loose in London

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British police said yesterday that the brutal murders of two young women and four cases of assault across London were linked, sparking fears of a serial hammer killer operating in the capital. Frenchwoman Amelie Delagrange, 22, was bludgeoned to death near a cricket pitch in the southwest London suburb of Twickenham in August. And Marsha McDonnell, a British 19-year-old gap-year student, was murdered with a hammer in February 2003 when she walked home after taking the bus back from a night out with friends. "It is now felt appropriate to treat these murders as linked from an investigative point of view," a London Metropolitan police spokeswoman said, adding that they could not rule out a group of people being involved. **Probe*** "The investigation has not revealed any forensic links with the incidents or anything linking the victims, however there are some similarities in the profile of the victims." Delagrange, who had been living and working in Twickenham, was killed as she walked home. She had also taken a bus back from a night out. Four attacks on women in the area were also connected, police said, with similarities occurring in the times, venue and mode of attack. In the McDonnell case, a 17-year-old boy who was arrested last March in connection with the murder is being held in a secure mental unit, but has not been charged.

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