More than 50 Palestinians Killed as State of Emergency Declared in Gaza

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The Palestinian cabinet has declared a state of emergency in the Palestinian territories after a massive raid by Israeli occupation forces in the Gaza Strip. Fifty-three Palestinians have been killed, most of them in Gaza, since Israel launched its latest offensive, Operation Days of Reckoning, this week. About 200 tanks and armoured vehicles have been operating in the area since Tuesday. "The cabinet has declared a state of emergency throughout the Palestinian territories in order to come to the aid of the people of the Gaza Strip, victims of horrible crimes committed by the Israeli army," a statement issued by the Palestinian cabinet said. All ministries and public institutions were called on to concentrate their efforts on providing assistance to the people of Gaza. At the same time, officials said Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmad Quraya had cancelled a trip to Russia and Turkey in order to attend an emergency cabinet session to be held later in the day. **World silence*** Denouncing what it called "world silence in the face of the magnitude of crimes committed," the statement called on the international quartet that drafted a Middle East peace plan last year to "intervene immediately to ensure the protection of our people". The quartet consists of the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations. The statement also called on international humanitarian organisations to provide aid to people in the Gaza Strip, notably in the Jabalya refugee camp, which has been a focal point of fighting this week. **Latest killings*** Earlier on Saturday, troops killed four Palestinian resistance fighters as they crossed the Karni crossing on the Gaza border into southern Israel. The army said soldiers had learned of gunmen planning to attack a town in the area. This occurred shortly after a Palestinian was killed by Israeli gunfire early on Saturday at Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. Muhammad al-Hashash, 63, was killed near his home during an Israeli raid, the sources added. And two Islamic Jihad fighters were killed and four others were wounded in an Israeli missile strike on the Jabalya refugee camp in the north of the Gaza Strip overnight, Palestinian security officials said. **State terror*** Gun battles raged on Friday through Jabalya, home to 100,000 Palestinians. Israeli army bulldozers destroyed up to 70 houses to clear paths for forces as troops made their way through the camp's booby-trapped streets, Aljazeera's correspondent reports. Quraya called Israel's offensive "state terror that deliberately targets civilians" and urged international intervention. Commenting on the raid, a White House spokesman said Israel "has the right to defend itself", but urged both sides to promote the road map peace plan, backed by President George Bush and currently stalled by violence. The resistance movement, Hamas, has called the raid "all-out war" and vowed not to submit. **PHOTO CAPTION*** A Palestinian medical worker removes the body of a man killed by a helicopter missile in Jabaliya. (AFP)

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