Sharon: Unlimited Israeli Operations in Gaza
- Author: News Agencies
- Publish date:16/01/2005
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has given orders for troops to carry out unlimited operations against Palestinian fighters in the Gaza Strip.
"The current situation is unacceptable and cannot be allowed to continue," Sharon said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday.
"The Tsahal (army) and the security forces have received orders to operate without any limits on time or their modus operandi to act against the terrorist organisations.
"These instructions will remain valid as long as the Palestinians fail to lift even a single finger" against the armed factions, he added.
A Sharon spokesman on Friday said the Israeli prime minister would refuse to meet with Palestinian president-elect, Mahmud Abbas, until he acted against armed resistance groups behind Thursday night's attack at the Karni crossing.
At least six Israelis and three Palestinians were killed in an explosion set off by Palestinian resistance fighters at the Karni crossing.
Fifteen people were also injured in the attack, the biggest since Mahmud Abbas won Sunday's election to succeed Yasir Arafat as head of the Palestinian Authority.
Palestinian home targeted
Shortly before Sharon's statements, an Israeli drone bombed a Palestinian home in the al-Salatin district west of Bait Lahya in the northern Gaza Strip.
The home was severely damaged, but none of its residents, a 16-member-family, were reported to have been injured.
An Israeli military spokesman said the attack targeted a workshop used for making rockets and mortar shells.
Qassam rockets
Meanwhile, Hamas' military wing, Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, issued a statement claiming responsibility for firing two al-Qassam rockets at the Jewish town of Sderot inside in the northern Gaza Strip.
In a separate statement, the movement has claimed responsibility for firing another two al-Qassam rockets at the Eli Sinai settlement in northern Gaza Strip.
An Israeli spokesperson said no injuries were sustained from the rocket attacks.
Newly-elected Palestinian President Abbas had called for an end to Qassam rocket attacks on Israeli targets, but he was largely opposed by Palestinian resistance groups.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (L) and his deputy Shimon Peres attend a vote of the 2005 state budget at Israel's parliament in Jerusalem January 12, 2005. (REUTERS)