Philippine Rebels Sign Peace Agreement

  • Author: Islamweb & Agencies
  • Publish date:27/03/2001
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[Gadhafi's son, Seif el-Islam, chairs the opening session of the peace talks between the Philippine government and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in Tripoli, Libya. Read photo caption below].

TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) - The Philippine government and a Muslim separatist group signed a peace agreement Friday night, calling for a cease-fire in a 32-year insurgency and talks on returning Muslim-claimed lands.

The Moro Islamic Liberation Front signed the agreement after three days of talks sponsored by Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. The truce was to take effect immediately, said Salem Adam, Libya's ambassador to the Philippines.

``Our view is that this is an agreement that includes general principles. The details will be discussed in the next phase,'' said Lanang Ali, a member of the rebel negotiating team.

The 15,000-strong rebel group seeks an Islamic state on the poor, resource-rich island of Mindanao in the predominantly Roman Catholic Philippines. It is not connected to another militant Islamic group, Abu Sayyaf, which is holding dozens of hostages in the southern Philippines.

Muslim rebels have been fighting for autonomy for about 30 years. Over 120,000 people have died in the fighting. Another major Islamic group, the Moro National Liberation Front, signed a peace deal with the government in 1996 establishing an autonomous governing body in south Philippines.

The pact was signed by Jesus Dureza, representing Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (news - web sites), and rebel official Al Haj Murad.

In March, the government and the group agreed to resume the peace talks stalled after the government declared all-out war against the group when it failed to meet a deadline for a peace deal.

But Arroyo, who took office in January, has made peace negotiations with rebel groups a priority - with the exception of the Abu Sayyaf. MILF spokesman Eid Kabalu has said his group would not support the Abu Sayyaf.

Seif el-Islam, Gadhafi's son, said this agreement should benefit both Muslims and the government.

Libya has taken an active interest in the Philippines troubles since Ghadafi organized talks between the government and Muslim separatists in 1976, but a peace deal was never implemented.

But Ghadafi, who was not present at the signings, has said Libya did not support the separation of Muslim territories from the mainland Philippines.

The Organization of Islamic Conference will appoint a committee to monitor the current peace deal and it will include Libya, Malaysia and Indonesia, according to the agreement.

Datu Muslimin Sema, a member of the government peace panel, said the Philippines would immediately began a program to help war-devastated areas recover economically.

He said that discussions on the recovery of Muslim land will begin after plans for the withdrawal of army troops from the territories are completed.

Libyan Leader Moammar Gadhafi's son, Seif el-Islam and the head of Gadhafi International foundation for charitable associations, chairs the opening session of the peace talks between the Philippine government and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in Tripoli, Libya, Wednesday, June 20, 2001. The peace talks aimed at ending 30 years of civil violence in the Philippines started Wednesday, with Muslim separatists and Filipino government officials saying the three-day summit offered an historic chance for peace. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)

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