Q & A on menstruation and post-partum bleeding –I

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Using pills that prevent menstruation

Shaykh Ibn Baaz

Question: There are pills that prevent menses or delay their occurrence. Is it allowed for a woman to use such pills during the time of Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah) only out of fear of her menses arriving?

Response: It is allowed for a woman to use pills that prevent her menses during the time of Hajj out of fear that her menses may come. But this should only be done after she has consulted with a (health) specialist who can ensure that her health will be fine. Similarly, she may do the same during Ramadan if she desires to fast with the people. (1)

The Standing Committee


(1)   In response to this question, the Shaykh has basically given the Hanbali view of the question. There are some other views which may be more significant that state the entire period is that of menstruation (i.e., the full 12 days in this case). Allah knows best

Drops of blood after making Ghusl

Question: I notice that sometimes after making the Ghusl that follows my monthly menses, after having had my period for the normal five days, I have a very small number of drops (of blood) emerging. This occurs immediately after I make Ghusl. After that, nothing else emerges. I do not know what to do. Should I follow my normal five-day period and simply ignore what occurs after that and continue to pray and fast? Or should I consider that day also as part of my period and not pray or fast during it? Note that such a thing does not always occur to me, but only occurs every two or three monthly cycles. I hope you will benefit me on this matter.

Response: If what emerges after your washing is either yellow or brown, then it is not to be taken into consideration (as menses) and it takes the same ruling as urine.(1)

However, if it is clearly blood, it will then be considered part of the menses and you must repeat the Ghusl due to what is confirmed from Umm 'Atiyyah who was a female companion of the Messenger of Allah who stated: "We would not consider yellowish or brownish discharge as anything(2) after we had been purified [from menses]." (3)

Shaykh Ibn Baaz

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