The importance of Taqwaa

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Taqwaa is said to be that spiritual state wherein a person, believing firmly in the Omnipotence of Almighty Allah and His Omnipresence, has an acute urge to distinguish between virtue and vice, and a burning desire to adopt the good and to eschew the evil in order to protect himself from the displeasure of Almighty Allah.

The linguistic meaning of the word Taqwaa entails: saving, guarding or preserving something from that which harms or injures it. In the religious sense, it means 'to guard against evil and preserve from sin'; more specifically, and in terms of Islamic Law, it represents keeping aloof from all that is injurious to the human soul. The meaning of the root verb from which the word Taqwaa is derived is 'to save oneself from anything that may cause apprehension, due to it possibly being harmful or injurious'. This, therefore, includes the fear or apprehension of the consequences that may follow from a certain action or behaviour. By extension, it also means the awareness of one’s responsibilities to others.
It would not be an understatement to assert that Taqwaa epitomises the entire teachings of Islam. A study of the Noble Quran will highlight that every aspect of its teachings is directed towards the creation of this spiritual condition in the actions of the believers.
According to the Noble Quran, Taqwaa should be the ultimate result of all forms of worship; Allah Says (what means): “O mankind! Worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may attain Taqwaa." [Quran 2: 21]
The same virtue is emphasised as the objective of fasting; Allah Says (what means): “O you who have believed! Decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may attain Taqwaa.” [Quran: 2:183]
Hajj (pilgrimage) is also enjoined upon us with the same objective; Allah Says (what means): “…And whoever honours the symbols [i.e., rites] of Allah – indeed, it is from the Taqwaa of the hearts.” [Quran 22:32]
Animal sacrifices are also offered with this very aim; Allah Says (what means): “Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is Taqwaa from you…”[Quran 22:37]
According to the Noble Quran, the practice of general etiquettes and morals leads to the same goal, as does, in some instances, foregoing one's rights; Allah Says (what means): “…And to overlook is nearer to Taqwaa…” [Quran 2:237]
In Chapter Aal 'Imraan, Taqwaa is bracketed with steadfastness and patience and in Chapter Al-Baqarah, with making peace among mankind. Even in war, which is a time when mankind generally foregoes morals and values, Muslims are obliged to abide by the dictates of Taqwaa. This condition of the heart, therefore, transforms both the thinking and the action of man.
The Noble Quran repeatedly asks us to observe Taqwaa, abide by the decisions of the Prophet act according to the injunctions of the Sharee’ah (Islamic Law), and refrain from prohibited acts, in order that we may thereby attain glory.
A Muslim surrenders before Almighty Allah and does what he is ordered to do; he also refrains from what he is told to keep away from. Taqwaa is the only force that can restrain man from evil and wickedness. It is this consciousness and fear of Almighty Allah that keeps the heart of the believer awake and enables him to distinguish right from wrong.
Moreover, Taqwaa is the only virtue that brings honour to a believer, male or female. Allah Says (what means): “O mankind! Indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is he who has most Taqwaa. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.” [Quran 49:13]
Justice and Taqwaa are two principles that emerge as necessary corollaries from the doctrine of Tawheed (Oneness of Allah), which, according to the Quran and the Sunnah, is the basic article of the Islamic faith, whereas the discipline and the do's and the don'ts of the canon law are its outward manifestation, or means to the attainment of divinely ordained ends of man in its collective as well as individual existence. In Islam, being just is considered to be a necessary condition of being pious and Allah-fearing, both of which are the basic characteristics of a Muslim. Allah Says in the Quran (what means): “O you who have believed! Be persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to Taqwaa. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do.” [Quran 5:8]
The Holy Quran aims to create an ideal society based on Taqwaa, for the good of humanity. Allah Says (what means): “You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind...” [Quran 3:110]
The fear of Almighty Allah, which is the root of all wisdom, finds expression in the individual’s awareness of the impact that his actions or failure to act will have at the various stages or levels of his social connections and relationships with others.
The primary concern of Islam is to develop the personality of the individual as one who possesses Taqwaa, and to equip him with the talent to live in peace with himself and others.  

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