Time for breaking fast for the Mu’aththin (caller to prayer)
Fatwa No: 112815


People in our locality rely on a Mu’aththin in order to know the time of Maghrib when the sun sets. Is it permissible for the Mu’aththin to break his fast first then announce the Athaan, or to announce the Athaan (call to prayer) first, then break his fast since people depend on him to know the time for breaking their fast?


All perfect praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger.


The valid time for breaking fast is being certain of or thinking that it is most probable that the sun has set. A Muslim may follow a trustworthy Mu’aththin who is well-aware of the timings of prayer. Therefore, if that Mu’aththin is trustworthy and well aware of the timings, it is permissible for a Muslim to follow him for knowing the time for breaking fast.

The Sunnah is that a fasting Muslim should hasten to break his fast once he is certain of the sunset; hence, it is preferable that the Mu’aththin breaks his fast before he announces the Athaan, so as to follow the Sunnah in this regard. He should not delay breaking his fast in order to let others hasten it.  Some scholars regard a Muslim’s relinquishment of an act of worship in order to allow others to do it to be unfavorable and not recommended. However, other scholars approve it without regarding it as unfavorable. Hence, the Mu’aththin may break his fast with eating a few dates or the like, then, announce the Athaan. By doing so, he would be combining the two matters.

 Allaah Knows best.

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