Starting fasting the six days of Shawwaal on the 2nd of Shawwaal
Fatwa No: 133407


Assalamoalikum, Eid ul Adha Mubarak, its questions from one of my sister i have few doubts like when we do qurbani, we do it for Allah, in the name of Allah, but we make niyah for so and so person gets thawab, like for my late grandpa also we did, can we do for the thawab of our prophets? especially our beloved prophet peace be upon him? or we cannot do for them? pls. reply on the second day of ramadan idd al fitr, my granny starts her fasting for shawwal, can one do from the second day ? can one start fasting nafl roza from the second day of eid al adha or from the 4th day? while reciting quran, when sujood comes do we have to perform immediately or can be done later like when finishing reciting? brother kindly clear my doubts. thanks and jazakallah.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger.


We previously issued Fataawa explaining the ruling on gifting the reward of the Udhhiyah to the prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention.  So, please refer to Fatwa 86054 about the ruling on gifting the reward of the Udhhiyah to Prophet Ibraaheem (Abraham) and Fataawa ">116801 and ">116428 about gifting the reward of the Udhhiyah to our Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

We have also previously clarified that it is not permissible to observe voluntary fasting on the days of At-Tashreeq (11th, 12th and 13th of Thul-Hijjaah). For further information, see Fataawa 88551 and 90146.

With regard to fasting the six days of Shawwaal, it is permissible for the Muslim to start fasting them on the second day of Shawwaal. That is because it is prohibited to fast on the day of Al-Fitr only (i.e. the 1st day of Shawwaal), and there is no harm in fasting on the other days. Scholars even recommended that a Muslim starts fasting the six days of Shawwaal on the 2nd day of the month. A Fatwa given by the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Iftaa’ reads "It is permissible to start fasting them [the six days of Shawwaal] one day or a few days after ‘Eed (Al-Fitr) either consecutively or separately..."

In regard to prostration of recitation, it is a recommended act of Sunnah, not an obligatory act, and it should be performed directly after reciting the verse of prostration. A Muslim should not delay it until he finishes his recitation. Many scholars held that the prostration of recitation should be performed immediately and that if a long interval lapsed after reciting the verse of prostration, he should not perform the prostration of recitation because it is a Sunnah and he has missed its place.

Allaah Knows best.

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