The narrations that 'There will be a sound in Ramadan…' are extremely weak
Fatwa No: 296467


asalaam alaikum Shahr ibn Hawshab said that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم stated: “There will be a Sound in (the Hijri Islamic month of ) Ramadan, a Mahmaha (murmuring) in (the Hijri Islamic month of) Shawwal, and war among tribes (peoples) in (the Hijri Islamic month of) Zul-Qi’dah and its sign will be that pilgrims will be robbed (looted). There will be a war with many people killed and blood will be shed in Mina (near Mecca), such that their blood flows on the Jamra (Stone of Satan at which pilgrims throw stones).” (Abu Amru Uthman bin Saeed Ad-Dani's Kitab Al-Sunan Al-Waredah fi al-Fitan [IS THIS HADHEES IS AUTHENTIC]


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

The Ahaadeeth that were reported with this meaning are very weak, and some scholars, like Ibn Al-Jawzi in his book entitled Al-Mawdhoo‘at, considered them to be fabricated.

Also, as occurs in Al-Mawsili's book Al-Mughni ‘an Al-Hifth wal-Kitaab bi-Qawlihim Lam Yassihu Shay’ fi Haathal-Baab (The remover of need for preserving and recording by their saying, nothing has been confirmed on the matter), in a chapter entitled, "Concerning the appearance of signs in the months": “It is narrated that there will be a sound in the month of Ramadan, and there will be murmuring in the month of Shawwaal, and so forth; Al-‘Uqayli said: “This Hadeeth has no basis from any trustworthy narrator, nor was it transmitted in any sound manner .” [End of quote]

Ibn al-Qayyim also pointed out its weakness in his book al-Manaar al-Muneef.

Al-Albaani deemed that some of the versions of this Hadeeth are fabricated as in his book As-Silsilah Adh-Dha‘eefah.

For more benefit, please refer to Fataawa 11307and 11391.

Allaah Knows best.

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