"There are seven at whom Allaah The Almighty will not look on the Day of Resurrection"
Fatwa No: 7496


I want to ask about the Hadeeth (narration) which mentions the seven types of people at whom Allaah The Almighty will not look on the Day of Resurrection and will dispatch to Hell with those who are the first to enter. Is this Hadeeth Saheeh (authentic)? Who is its narrator?


All perfect praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger.

The aforementioned Hadeeth speaks about the seven types of people at whom Allaah The Almighty will not look on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He gather them with the rest of the people, but will dispatch them to Hell with those who are first to enter, unless they repent. These seven are: the one who habitually masturbates, the homosexual and his partner, the alcoholic, the one who beats his parents until they call for help, the one who annoys his neighbors to the extent that they curse him, and the one who commits adultery with his neighbor’s wife.

This Hadeeth was narrated by Al-Bayhaqi in Shu‘ab Al-’Eemaan, Al’Azdi in Adh-Dhu‘afaa’, Ad-Daylami in Al-Firdaws and Ibn Al-Jawzi in Al-‘Ilal Al-Mutnaahiyah, where he judged it as unauthentic. 

Al-Haafith Ibn Katheer also pointed out that the chain of narrators of this Hadeeth is Dha'eef (weak).

And Allaah Knows best.

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