Big Turnout in Key Bosnian Elections

Big Turnout in Key Bosnian Elections

With the end of international supervision in sight, there was plenty at stake as Bosnians went to the polls. Haris Silajdzic is leading in the race for the Muslim member of the state presidency, according to partial results. They show Nebojsa Radmanovic has all but secured his widely-expected election as the Serb member while Croat presidency member Ivo Miro Jovic also looks - narrowly - on course for victory.

There was a high turnout as deeply-divided Bosnians voted for the state presidency and parliament as well as the president and two vice-presidents in the Serb Republic. Final results are expected within a month. The 1995 Dayton peace accord which ended the Bosnian war, set up two autonomous entities: a Muslim-Croat Federation and a Bosnian Serb Republic - the Republika Srpska. Each has its own president, government and parliament.

In addition, there is a central Bosnian government with a rotating presidency. The international protectorate set up after the war is set to be dismantled next year.


Haris Silajdzic, Bosnia's wartime foreign minister who runs for the state presidency's Muslim seat in October 1 elections, answers a question during an interview September 20, 2006. (Reuters)

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