UK courts told to allow veil

UK courts told to allow veil

Muslim women should be allowed to wear the veil in British courts, senior judges said in guidelines published yesterday. Muslim women should be permitted to wear the full facial covering, known as the niqab, as long as it does not interfere with the administration of justice, the Judicial Studies Board's Equal Treatment Advisory Committee said.

Such decisions, however, should be made on a case-by-case basis, the committee said.

The guidance was issued after an immigration judge adjourned a case in Stoke-on-Trent, central England, in November because he could not hear a Muslim lawyer who refused to remove her veil. The case resumed after her firm sent another lawyer to represent her client in court.

Forcing a woman to choose between participating in a court case or removing her veil could have a "significant impact on that woman's sense of dignity" and could exclude and marginalise her, the guidelines said.

Judges should not automatically assume a victim appearing in court wearing the niqab creates problems, the committee said. Nor should they assume it is inappropriate for a woman to testify wearing the full veil, it said.

If a judge felt it necessary to ask a victim to remove her veil, he or she should consider the request carefully, and be thoughtful and sensitive. The courtroom could be cleared of anyone not directly involved in the case for her to proceed with her evidence, the guidelines said.

The issue of face-covering veils has stoked debate over religious tolerance and cultural assimilation in Britain, which is home to 1.6 million Muslims.

Former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw provoked a stir in October when he said he requested - but did not insist that Muslim women remove face-covering veils during one-on-one meetings.


Jack Straw arrives for the opening of Forum on Democracy, Development and Free Trade, in Doha April 23, 2007. (REUTERS)


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