Iran is continuing to defy UN demands to stop enriching uranium and is expanding the work, the UN nuclear watchdog has said in a report.
The report by the International Atomic Energy Agency also said Tehran was blocking IAEA efforts to probe suspicious nuclear activities.
Analysts say the report could open the door to new sanctions against Tehran.
The United States said it would now work with its allies on "next steps" after the latest IAEA report.
White House national security spokesman Gordon Johndroe said the report was "a laundry list of Iran's continued defiance of the international community and shows that Iran's leaders are only furthering the isolation of the Iranian people."
British Prime Minister Tony Blair's spokesman said the UN would discuss the IAEA report, adding that London was absolutely committed to dealing with the issue through the UN.
In March, the UN Security Council imposed sanctions on Iran for failing to suspend uranium enrichment.
IAEA report
In a confidential report a copy of which was obtained by the BBC, the IAEA said Iran was operating eight cascades of 164 centrifuges, which are sets of machines used for enrichment at its underground site in Natanz.
It said it was in the process of installing five more.
A senior UN official said if Iran continued at the present rate it would have 3,000 centrifuges by the end of June.
The report said Iran had agreed to unannounced inspections and surveillance measures at Natanz.
The report also said that the IAEA's ability to monitor Tehran's nuclear program had "deteriorated" due to lack of access.
There is concern about Iran's nuclear work because while low enriched uranium can be used in nuclear power plants, highly enriched uranium can be used for nuclear bombs.
The UN Security Council fears Iran is secretly trying to develop nuclear weapons. Tehran continues to insist on its right to enrich uranium.
The council imposed a second round of sanctions on Iran in March. The move broadened the limited sanctions agreed in December 2006.
The council then asked the IAEA to report within 60 days on whether Iran had complied with its demands.
'Not helpful'
The IAEA document comes amid reports that the US is to complain to IAEA head Mohamed ElBaradei about his proposal that Iran keep parts of its enrichment program.
Mr ElBaradei has said Iran possessed "the knowledge about how to enrich" and the focus should now be on preventing industrial-scale production.
But there are concerns his comments will weaken UN resolve to punish Iran over its nuclear activity.
Envoys from the US, France, Germany and Britain are expected to visit Mr ElBaradei this week to deliver a formal complaint that the agency chief's comments "were not helpful", a US official told Reuters on condition of anonymity.
IAEA head Mohamed ElBaradei/file photo