Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has issued a tough warning to any country considering an attack on
He said
He urged those he called the occupiers in the region - an apparent reference to the
Mr Ahmadinejad was speaking at a huge annual military parade marking the anniversary of the Iran-Iraq War.
On display at the parade was
According to the Associated Press news agency some of the lorries carrying Iranian missiles bore anti-US and anti-Israeli slogans.
"Those who prevented
"Learn lessons from your past mistakes. Don't repeat your mistakes," he added.
UN address
His comments come ahead of his high-profile visit to the
Mr Ahmadinejad said that neither threats nor economic sanctions would curb
"Those [countries] who assume that decaying methods such as psychological war, political propaganda and the so-called economic sanctions would work and prevent Iran's fast drive toward progress are mistaken," the president said.
The speech comes at the end of a tense week, with the French Foreign Minister, Bernard Kouchner, warning of the danger of war with
The BBC's Jon Leyne in
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and military leaders