1. Passing the Meeqaat (designated point for assuming Ihraam) without assuming the state of Ihraam (ritual consecration). Those who assume the state of Ihraam from Jeddah or at the borders of the Haram while being non-Makkan pilgrims should slaughter a sacrificial animal.
2. Entering Makkah without assuming the state of Ihraam when the person is going there to perform Hajj or ‘Umrah (lesser pilgrimage).
3. Praying after ‘Asr or Fajr at the Meeqaat. These are times when praying without a valid reason is forbidden, and the Sunnah of praying two Rak`ahs on assuming Ihraam is not a valid reason for doing this.
4. Cutting the beard when assuming the state of Ihraam despite the fact that cutting or shaving it are forbidden when the person is assuming the state of Ihraam - and the sides of the face are part of the beard.
5. Being negligent when it comes to congregational prayer or delaying the prayer, and this is despite the fact that pilgrims perform Hajj or ‘Umrah in order to get closer to Allah! They should thus not take this confirmed act of worship lightly.
6. Performing the obligatory prayer while wearing the lower garment without the upper one, thus, exposing their backs and shoulders.
7. Starting Tawaaf (circumambulation) before coming parallel to the Black Stone with the entire body.
8. Performing Tawaaf inside the Hijr of Ismaa‘eel (a u-shaped area beside the Ka’bah) despite the fact that this Hijr or part of it is actually part of the Ka‘bah. Pilgrims must perform Tawaaf outside Ka’bah.
9. Overcrowding at the Black Stone and harming others. If kissing the Stone is easy, one can do this and if not then he can touch it with his hand and kiss the hand. If that is not easy, then one can simply point to it with his hand.
10. Kissing the Yamaani Corner, rubbing oneself against it, rubbing the two hands on it, or pointing at it. All these acts are wrong as it should be touched by the right hand only.
11. Wiping oneself against the corners of the Ka‘bah, its covering, walls, Maqaam Ibraaheem (the Station of Abraham), the Hijr of Ismaa‘eel or parts of the Masjid ((Mosque). All these acts have no basis in the Sharee‘ah.
12. Restricting oneself to the supplications that are printed in the books related to the Hajj in every turn of Tawaaf and asking someone to dictate them. It is sufficient during Tawaaf to mention Allah, supplicate to Him, and so forth.
13. Cutting part of the hair when ending the state of Ihraam after Hajj or ‘Umrah; Rather, all of the hair should be cut or shaved.
14. Not spending the night at Mina the night before the Day of ‘Arafah. This is a confirmed Sunnah act and some scholars have stated that it is obligatory.
15. Standing outside the borders of ‘Arafah despite the fact that it is demarked by clear signboards and standing in it is one of the pillars of Hajj.
16. Indulging on the Day of ‘Arafah in laughter, joking and false speech and abandoning Thikr and supplication on this great occasion.
17. Exerting great effort to climb the mountain of Ar-Rahmah in ‘Arafah and rubbing oneself against it while believing that it has an advantage and a virtue that entails this.
18. Annoying others at the time of departure from `Arafah and the insults and fighting that result from this.
19. Indulging at Muzdalifah in collecting the casting pebbles before the prayer despite the fact that they could be collected from Mina or anywhere else.
20. Leaving Muzdalifah before midnight and not staying the night there despite the fact that staying there is one of the obligations of Hajj.
21. Strong people using the concession of going to Mina before the morning breaks despite the fact that this is permissible for weak people only, but others should go shortly before sunrise.
22. Some people perform Tawaaf Al-Ifaadhah (the Hajj Tawaaf) before midnight in spite of the fact that only weak people are permitted to perform it after midnight after casting their pebbles.
23. Some strong people authorizing others to throw the pebbles on their behalf despite the fact that this is only permissible for children and those who are weak.
24. Most people insist on slaughtering the sacrifices on the tenth day of Thul-Hijjah and then leave them to waste, despite the fact that they could have delayed slaughtering to be done in any of the Days of Tashreeq (the following three days).
25. Casting the pebbles on the Days of Tashreeq in the forenoon despite the fact that the time for throwing begins at the decline of the sun from the middle of the sky on the three days after the day of ‘Eed.
26. Believing that the Jamaraat (stone pillars) are devils and throwing shoes or big stones at them and insulting them despite the fact that throwing the Jamaraat is an act of worship and merely a reminder of the enmity of the devil.
27. Authorizing someone else to throw the Jamaraat on one's behalf and traveling (i.e., leaving) at night on the eleventh or the morning of the twelfth of Thul-Hijjah. Those who do so miss part of the staying at night and some castings of the Jamaraat.
28. Performing the Farewell Tawaaf before casting the Jamaraat despite the fact that the Farewell Tawaaf should be the final thing that pilgrims do.
29. Visiting some places such as the mountain of Ar-Rahmah, the Hiraa’ Cave, the Thawr Cave, or some mosques that are claimed to have certain benefits or blessings, but in reality there is nothing that makes them worthy of being visited.
30. Believing that Hajj is not perfected except by visiting Madeenah and burdening oneself to achieve this.
31. Believing that traveling to Madeenah is to visit the Prophet, , and his Companions, may Allah be pleased with them. This is not correct as traveling to visit the mosque of the Prophet,
, should only be done due to the virtue of praying there.
32. Calling the Prophet, , at his grave, circumambulating it and rubbing oneself against it.
33. Visiting some mosques at Madeenah that have no benefits such as the mosque of Abu Bakr, the Seven Mosques, the mosque of the two Qiblahs (Al-Qiblatayn) and so forth.
Pilgrims should strive to avoid all these errors such that their Hajj would be perfected.