Failing to adhere to Hijab (Islamic covering) indicates disobedience to Allah The Almighty and His Messenger, . Anyone who disobeys Allah The Almighty and His Messenger,
, harms no one but himself, and in no way does he harm Allah The Almighty.
The Messenger of Allah,
, was reported to have said: “All my Ummah (nation) will enter Paradise except for those who refuse.”They (i.e. the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them) said, “O Messenger of Allah! Who would refuse (to enter Paradise)?” He said:“Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeys me has refused (to enter Paradise).” [Al-Bukhari]

- Failing to adhere to Hijab incurs the divine curse and expulsion from the Mercy of Allah:
The Messenger of Allah,
, was reported to have said: “During the last days of my Ummah there will be women who are clothed but naked, with something on their heads like the humps of camels. Curse them, for they are cursed.”

- Failing to adhere to Hijab is a characteristic of the people of Hell:
“(There are) two types of the people of Hell that I have not yet seen: men with whips like the tails of cattle, with which they strike people, and women who are clothed yet naked ….”The Messenger of Allah,
, was reported to have said:

- Failing to adhere to Hijab is darkness on the Day of Resurrection:
It was narrated that the Prophet,
, said: “The example of the woman who sways displaying her adornment in haughtiness among people who are not allowed to look at it, is like darkness that has no light on the Day of Resurrection.”

He means the woman who sways and drags her garments when she walks will come on the Day of Resurrection black and dark as if she were formed of darkness. Although this Hadeeth (narration) is weak, it indicates an authentic meaning. This is because when a sin is committed, the pleasure that is enjoyed from it is nothing but suffering; the fragrant scents are unpleasant odors, and light is darkness. The case is different with acts of worship. For example, the foul smell from the fasting person’s mouth and the smell of a martyr’s blood are more pleasant in the sight of Allah The Almighty than the fragrance of musk.
- Failing to adhere to Hijab indicates hypocrisy:
The Prophet,
, was reported to have said: “The best of your women is the affectionate, the fertile, the obedient, and the consoling, provided that they fear Allah. The evilest of your women are those who unlawfully expose their adornment and sway in haughtiness, they are hypocrites; only a few of them (women in general) will enter Paradise.”

- Failing to adhere to Hijab is impudent and scandalous behavior:
The Messenger,
, was reported to have said: “Any woman who removes her clothes outside her husband’s home has torn the screen that was between her and Allah The Almighty.”

- Failing to adhere to Hijab indicates immorality:
Women are ‘Awrah (parts that must be concealed), so when they expose themselves they are committing a reprehensible and immoral misdeed. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And when they commit an immorality, they say, “We found our fathers doing it, and Allah has ordered us to do it.” Say, “Indeed, Allah does not order immorality. Do you say about Allah that which you do not know?”} [Quran 7:28]
Satan is the one who commands them to commit immorality as indicated by the verse that means: {Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality.} [Quran 2:268]
- Failing to adhere to Hijab is a Satanic norm:
The story of Aadam (Adam), may Allah exalt his mention, and Hawwaa’ (Eve) shows how Satan, the enemy of Allah, is keen on uncovering people’s ’Awrah exposing them, and spreading immorality. He mainly seeks to cause women to display themselves by not adhering to Hijab. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {O children of Adam, let not Satan tempt you as he removed your parents from Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private parts.} [Quran 7:27]
It was Satan who started the call for women to remove their Hijab and display their bodies. He is the main advocate of so-called women’s liberation.
- Failing to adhere to Hijab is a Jewish practice:
The Jews are highly experienced in destroying nations through the temptation of women. One of the most lethal weapons that was used by their institutions was displaying women’s bodies and adornment, and they have great expertise in this regard. The Messenger of Allah,
, said: “Beware of this worldly life and beware of women, for the first temptation that afflicted the Children of Israel was because of women.” [Muslim]

- Failing to adhere to Hijab is a foul pre-Islamic practice:
Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And abide in your houses and do not display yourselves as [was] the display of the former times of ignorance.} [Quran 33:33]
Besides, the Prophet,
, described the pre-Islamic call for tribal fanatic support as foul and wicked and ordered Muslims not to do that. The Prophet,
, said: “Every thing pertaining to the pre-Islamic era is under my feet (abolished).” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

This applies to women’s exposure of their adornment, call for tribal fanatic support, and the chauvinism of the pre-Islamic era.
- Failing to adhere to Hijab indicates backwardness and degradation:
It is natural for animals to be naked, so a person who tends to do that relapses to a sub-human level even though Allah The Almighty honored him. Consequently, neglecting Hijab indicates the corruption of a person’s innate nature, lack of manly zeal, coldness of emotions, and death of feelings.
- Failing to adhere to Hijab is a widespread evil:
Anyone who reflects on the texts of the Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation) and lessons of history will become certain that neglecting Hijab damages one's religion and life, especially when there is also irresponsible intermixing between men and women.
Some of its grave consequences include the following:
- Women competing to unlawfully expose their adornment in order to attract attention. In doing so, they squander both sound morals and money and reduce themselves to despicable commodities.
- Men’s morals become corrupt especially the youth and are thus, they are driven to immoral acts.
- Exploiting women in advertisements and providing entertainment in commercial domains and elsewhere.
- Abusing women themselves, because the unlawful exposure of their adornment indicates their bad intentions and wickedness -- a thing that might incur harm on them by those who are foolish and evil.
- The spread of diseases, since the Prophet,
, was reported to have said: “Never does indecency emerge within a people to the extent that they publicize it, except that plague and torments spread within them, the likes of which did not pass to their predecessors who have passed away.”

- Making it easy to commit adultery of the eyes. The Prophet,
, said: “Adultery of the eyes is the (unlawful) look.” Also, making it difficult to obey Allah The Almighty by lowering the gaze that He commanded people to observe in order to please Him.

- Deserving to be afflicted with general punishments which are certainly more dangerous than atomic bombs and earthquakes. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And when We intend to destroy a city, We command its affluent but they defiantly disobey therein; so the word comes into effect upon it, and We destroy it with [complete] destruction.} [Quran 17:16] Also, the Prophet,
, was reported to have said: “When people see an evildoing being committed and do not change it, Allah will soon incur torment upon them.”