Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded.}[Quran 66:6]
Dear mother,
Dear daughter, who will be a mother someday…
May I have a few minutes of your time?
In these few minutes, let me convey some words to you about an issue that profoundly worries and troubles me.
It was a sight that I can never forget.
The worldly pleasures have detracted us from this sight.
What is right has become wrong and is considered as backwardness.
What is wrong has become right and is considered as something normal.
In a time when everything has become confused and truth has been mixed with falsehood (except those upon which the Lord has Mercy) we are unable to realize the reality of matters and we are living as the disbelievers want us to live, because this is their idea of being "civilized" and "developed".
My dear sister,
Please, open your heart to my words.
First of all,
May I ask you a question to which I know the answer, nevertheless I will ask that question.
What would you do if a small spark touched the skin of your little girl?
A spark from a matchstick, a candle or an incense stick.
What would you do then?
How would you react?
Certainly, you will scream and hurry to help her.
You would take her to the nearest hospital.
What if there was a great fire at a place and your daughter was there?
What would you do?
You might say for example, that there is a chance that the firefighters may be able to save her and that she might live.
Indeed, this is a possibility and this is what I wish.
I ask Allah The Almighty to protect her from all evils.
Let us leave this world and think about another place.
A place that does not belong to our worldly life.
Let us move to the Hereafter; after the Reckoning and taking our Books.
Of course, you know that this worldly life is temporary and that there is no possibility for us to return to it.
Just imagine even for a moment the image of your daughter in the Fire mainly because of you.
May Allah The Almighty protect all of us from Hell.
What will you do then?
Will you endure her screams and pain and her blaming you?
By Allah, tell me!
Have you ever thought about this awful situation?
Will you continue imagining helplessly or you will shake your head to forget and ignore this possible scene and return to worldly desires?
My dear sister,
Have mercy upon your daughter.
O you who see your daughter exposing her adornment unlawfully, have not you heard the warning?
Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {So I have warned you of a Fire, which is blazing.}[Quran 92:14]
Have the false statements of praise appealed to you?
Or has the deceitful glimmer of the West made you lose your senses?
Wake up, O mother! Save your daughter from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones.
You should know that there is only Paradise or Hell.
There is not a third choice, so which will you choose?
What is the choice for which you will prepare for yourself and for the one whom you love?
Do you not wish to be with your daughter in Paradise?
You taught her how to live in this temporary life.
But you forgot to teach her how to be happy in the Hereafter.
O compassionate mother!
Can you guarantee that your daughter will live until she becomes old enough to distinguish between what is good and what is evil and distinguish the truth from falsehood without your help?
Can you guarantee that you will live one more hour to repent and ask for forgiveness?
Many girls blame their families for the lack of guidance in the manner in which they are raised and become accustomed to dressing in an immodest manner which appears normal to them .
Where is your mind my dear daughter when you grow up, even if your family was negligent?
What is lawful is clear and what is evil is clear too.
You have no more excuses after today.
Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Rather, man, against himself, will be a witness, even if he presents his excuses.}[Quran 75:14-15]
My dear daughter,
I write these words to you in order to convey to you these words of the Prophet,
: "None of you is a true believer until he likes for his (Muslim) brother what he likes for himself."

By Allah The Almighty, I love what is good for every Muslim man and woman.
However, what I saw angered me.
A shameful sight.
I saw a mother wearing her Hijab with her daughter who was in her youth, about fifteen years old, whose clothes did not at all reflect that she was a Muslim.
She was wearing a very tight shirt and tighter jeans with her hair uncovered.
By Allah The Almighty, if the body had been able to talk, it would have screamed, “These clothes are suffocating me.” And how can this way of dressing be called clothing in the first place?
I unintentionally looked at her and she inclined her head out of shyness!
Shyness and modesty are inseparable, they are an integral part of a woman's psyche.
The absence of either of them means that the woman has lost her femininity.
My dear mother,
Do you truly love your daughter?
Do you wish happiness for her in this worldly life and in the Hereafter?
Of course, your answer will be in the affirmative, as you certainly do not want to prevent her from a garden as wide as the Heavens and the Earth.
Paradise, where there are bounties which no eye has seen and no ear has heard of.
Why then do you push her into Hell with your own hands?
Why do you drag her with you to the markets moving from place to place as if she was a girl in a commercial or an advertisement?
May Allah The Almighty protect all of us!
Do you know that the fire in this worldly life is only one part of seventy parts of the Hell fire.
Do you also know what do the people of Hell eat, drink, and wear?
It is nothing but Fire.
Do you know what Fire is like?
Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {It lets nothing remain and leaves nothing [unburned]} [Quran 74:28]
It consumes and destroys everything.
Ask the scholars and they will give you the true answer.
My dear sister,
Beware of the wrath of Allah The Almighty in this worldly life and in the Hereafter.
Fear Allah The Almighty with regard to your daughter.
Ask Allah The Merciful for forgiveness before it is too late.
Beware my dear sister, because the eyes of wicked humans have no mercy.
There is no power and no strength save in Allah The Almighty.