When one commits grave sins while he is fasting, this proves that his fasting is not approved by Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation) and thus it entails no reward and is rejected. Allah The Almighty does not need him to give up his food and drink. So, we say that a person who gives up prayer, a woman who goes out without the Sharee‘ah-approved Hijab, a person who abuses and curses, and so on during the daytime of Ramadan is not fasting with his heart, even if he is abstaining from food and drink. Fasting in this case has no reward and is rejected. Even if one absolves himself from religious liability by fasting and is not commanded to repeat the fast, still fasting has no reward for him even if he deprives himself of food and drink. ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with them, narrated that the Prophet,
, said: "How many there are that fast but attain nothing from it but hunger and thirst." [Ibn ‘Addiy] [Dha‘eef (weak)]

Thus, you have to be watchful of your fasting. Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet,
said: "Fasting is not abstaining from eating and drinking only, but also from vain speech and foul language." [Al-Albaani: Saheeh]

If you are watchful of your tongue in ordinary circumstances, you should be even more watchful of it during Ramadan.
During Ramadan, one should not excessively socialize with people. The purpose of socializing with people is to attain benefit for all. Nevertheless, socializing with people by engaging in frivolous play and diversions entails great harm. Such people encourage each other to engage in the evils and immoralities of addiction, illegitimate sexual relations and smoking. Socializing with righteous people, on the other hand, is a virtue and it safeguards one from socializing with the evil ones. Today, socializing has a broader meaning than it had before. Even when one is in a closed room, a person may interact with evil people through the mass media, radio, TV, the internet and so on. You should completely give up the evil mass media during Ramadan. Instead, you should occupy yourself with obeying Allah The Almighty and accompanying righteous people, since the companionship of such people is not wretched, as Allah The Almighty says regarding the sinful man who sat with a group of righteous people for a need. The Prophet,
, reported that Allah The Almighty Said: "They are the people whose companion is not wretched." [Muslim]

Keep company with righteous and pious people in the Masjid, this in itself is a reason for happiness and forgiveness.
One should not misuse the Masjid and make it a means for the prohibited forms of interaction by showing off, seeking fame, seeking people's respect and reverence, and so on. This is actually dangerous to our fellow Muslims. Rather, you should socialize with those who remind you and you remind them of Allah The Almighty.
I‘tikaaf (staying in seclusion) is a great opportunity for seclusion and self-reckoning. This is why we urge that one should spend some portion of every day in seclusion in order to reckon himself. It was said: "Reckon yourselves before you will be reckoned (on the Day of Judgment), weigh [your deeds] before you will be weighed and adorn yourselves for the Grand Exhibition." Allah The Almighty Says (what means):
- {That Day, you will be exhibited [for judgment]; not hidden among you is anything concealed.}[Quran 69: 18]
- {O you who have believed, fear Allah. And let every soul look to what it has put forth for tomorrow - and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is acquainted with what you do.} [Quran 59: 18]
To free oneself from loving wealth excessively, Allah The Almighty has prescribed for us to give both obligatory and voluntary charity. Allah The Almighty enjoined Zakat-ul-Fitr on the one who fasts to purify him from any indecent act or speech and for the purpose of providing food for the needy. Allah The Almighty has prescribed for us voluntary charity during Ramadan. Anas ibn Maalik, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet,
said: "The best voluntary charity is that during Ramadan." [Al-Albaani: Dha‘eef]

Even if this Hadeeth is classified as Dha‘eef (weak), the meaning is supported by another Saheeh (authentic) Hadeeth which indicates the Prophet,
was most generous during Ramadan. In another Hadeeth the Prophet,
said: "Whoever gives food to a fasting person to break his fast will have a reward like his without decreasing his reward in the slightest way." [At-Tirmithi]

Therefore, you should give in charity frequently during Ramadan for the sake of Allah The Almighty.
Another prescribed channel of charity during Ramadan is performing ‘Umrah. Anas ibn Maalik, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet,
, said: "(Performing) an ‘Umrah during Ramadan is equal (in reward) to peforming Hajj." [Al-Bukhari in At-Taareekh Al-Kabeer]

Performing ‘Umrah during Ramadan entails all forms of disciplining and purifying the self. You should not concern yourself with luxurious accommodation; rather, you should think how to break your bad habits. Performing ‘Umrah involves spending and controlling one's desires and lusts, making one among the successful in Ramadan.