Assalaamu ‘Alaykum,
How can one double his reward during Ramadan? Thank you very much.
In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Ever Merciful
Dear brother, Assalaamu ‘Alaykum,
I was pleased with this question, which shows a high morale and willingness to obey Allah The Almighty. Welcome to your very own website. You are among fathers and brothers wishing you success in all walks of life. We ask Allah The Almighty to reform for us our worldly life and make us happy with His love in the Hereafter.
You have asked about something great, but it is easy for the one whom Allah The Almighty has made easy. You have to raise your hands in supplication and repeat: "Allahumma a‘inni ‘ala thikrik wa-shukrik wa-husn ‘ibaadatik (O Allah, Help me to perfectly remember You, thank You and worship You)." It was the advice of the Prophet
to Mu‘aath ibn Jabal, may Allah be pleased with him. He first expressed his love for him and then he commanded him to repeat this supplication after each prayer.

It is clear to people like you that the best thing to draw closer to Allah The Almighty is performing the obligatory acts of worship and then doing voluntary acts of worship according to their various degrees from the point of view of the Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation). When the devil is unable to turn man from goodness, he makes him busy with what is good while neglecting what is best. One knowledgeable person is harder for the devil than a thousand devoted worshippers.
You should also know that the degree of deeds rises according to the doer's sincerity and truthfulness. You should be completely sincere in your heart and train yourself to be truthful. You should know that an act of worship is better than others when its fixed time is due. For example, when the Athaan (call for prayer) is made, there is no better act of worship than responding to the call. When the call for Jihaad is made, there is no better act of worship than hastening to fighting. When it is Ramadan, there is no better action than fasting perfectly and protecting this act of worship from ill speech and evildoing.
Remember that Allah The Almighty, in the Quran, has linked His worship and obeying parents. So, you should be keen to be dutiful to your parents, whether they are living or dead. The best thing the Prophet
as well as the former Prophets, may Allah exalt their mention, said is: "La Ilaah Illa Allah (there is no god worthy of worship except Allah)." The Prophet
once left his wife, Umm Habeebah, may Allah be pleased with her, glorifying Allah. Having come back after sunrise, he said: "I recited four words and if these are to be weighed against what you have been reciting since morning, these will outweigh. (These words) are: Subhaan Allah wa-bihamdih, ‘adad khalqih, wa ridha nafsih, wa zinat ‘arshih, wa midaad kalimaatih (glorified is Allah as many times as the number of His creatures, and as much as pleases Him, and as much as the weight of His throne, and as much as the ink for His words)."

You should recite the Quran, for you are rewarded with ten good deeds when you utter just one letter.
You should also strive to perform deeds, such as fasting, hoping for the reward of Allah The Almighty. Work without intention is like effort without production and tiredness without reaping the fruits. You have to avoid acts of disobedience, for abandoning sins is better than repentance. You should be keen to obtain the fruit of fasting, which is righteousness as well as observing the consciousness of Allah The Almighty, who is not overtaken by either drowsiness or sleep. You should keep your tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah The Almighty, Who Says (what means): {And the Remembrance of Allah is greater.} [Quran 29: 45]
We ask Allah The Almighty to help you to do good. May Allah grant us success.