· Ibn 'Abbaas said, “The Messenger of Allah
passed by a man who had placed his foot on the face of a sheep while he was sharpening his blade before slaughtering it and it was staring at him. Thereupon he
said: ‘Do you wish to kill it twice? Just slaughter it.’” [Al-Bayhaqi]
· Ibn 'Abbaas reported the Messenger of Allah,
to have said: “Do not make anything living a target.”[Muslim]. In another narration, he,
, cursed those who did this. Thus, the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam, gave stern warning to those who treated animals unjustly and abused them.
· Jaabir reported, “The Messenger of Allah
forbade killing the animal after tying it.” [Muslim] The reason for this is that it tortures the animal emotionally before the animal is slaughtered.
· Not only did the Prophet, , forbid killing animals after tying them, he even forbade hitting animals. Jaabir
reported, “The Messenger of Allah
forbade hitting the animal on its face.” [Abu Daawood]
· Ibn 'Abbaas said, “An ass with a brand on the face happened to pass before the Prophet
. Thereupon, he said: ‘May Allah curse the one who has branded it (on the face).’”[Muslim]
· The Prophet’s, instructions, were not limited to this; he also warned and threatened those who oppressed animals and mistreated them. Ibn ‘Umar
said, “The Messenger of Allah
said: ‘A woman was punished in Hell because of a cat which she had confined until it died. She did not give it anything to eat or drink when it was confined, nor did she free it so that it might eat the vermin of the earth.’”[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]This story shows that those who are guilty of ill-treatment of animals will be severely punished.