The Latest US Vicitim of Bio-Terrorism

WASHINGTON, (Islamweb & News Agencies) -- Scientists will "immediately" check any postal facility through which an anthrax-tainted letter or package is processed, Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson said Tuesday. (Read photo caption below)Speaking before a House subcommittee, Thompson spoke one day after two postal workers died of what authorities suspect was inhalation anthrax. Another two from the Brentwood mail facility in Washington remain hospitalized with the ailment. Testing and treating of postal workers also will be a part of the rapid response.
Some postal workers have said the federal government did not act quickly enough to protect mail carriers and their workplace after an anthrax-contaminated letter their facility processed reached a Senate office last week.
Also on Tuesday, New Jersey health officials said that a female postal worker has been hospitalized with a suspected case of inhalation anthrax. Authorities advised all employees at the facility to see their physicians immediately and begin taking antibiotics.
Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson appears Tuesday before a House subcommittee

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