Saudi Arabia has strongly attacked the Western media for criticising its position on terrorism.

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, (News Agencies)-In a speech published on Thursday, called it a smear campaign inspired by hatred of Islam. (Read photo captions below)
Several US senators, as well as the US media, have accused Saudi Arabia of not doing enough in the war against terror - a charge it vehemently denies."The vicious western media attack against the Kingdom is only because of the ancient spite against Islam," the Saudi crown prince was quoted as saying.
He said that his government would not compromise on the issue of defending its religion or the nation.
The speech follows repeated accusations in the Western media that Saudi Arabia is partly to blame for supporting extremist Islamic groups outside the country.
Until recently, Saudi Arabia was one of only three countries to maintain ties with Afghanistan's Taleban rulers.
Some US senators have also criticised Saudi Arabia for not doing more to support the US led war on terrorism, but that charge has been denied in public by both the Saudi and US governments.
Last Sunday, US Secretary of State Colin Powell said both Egypt and Saudi Arabia had responded to every request the US had made of them.PHOTO CAPTION:
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