Lindh Killer "Commanded by Voice of Jesus"

Lindh Killer "Commanded by Voice of Jesus"
With the trial of the man accused of murdering Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh due to begin on Wednesday prosecuters have been outlining their case. They claim forensic evidence links Mijailo Mijailovic to the murder weapon and the victim who was stabbed in Stockholm department store in September. The 25 year old confessed to the murder last week after previously denying involvement since his arrest on September 24th. Mijailovic is reported to have told police the voice of Jesus commanded him to attack Lindh. He is also understood to have told his defence team the murder was neither planned nor politically motivated. The brutal killing of the popular minister stunned the nation and caused much reflection on security measures surrounding senior politicians. **PHOTO CAPTION*** A police photo of 25-year-old Mijailo Mijailovic after his arrest. (AFP/File)

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