Last Hajj Flight Expected Today

 Last Hajj Flight Expected Today
The last Hajj flight is expected today, Tuesday, while the majority of those intending to perform this year's Hajj have already arrived and are already at the holy sites. Saudi officials have reported that the health situation of the pilgrims is quite good and there has not been any case of an infectious disease. The pilgrims who have been staying in Madina are now making their way to Makkah, to await the Arafat Day. The sea-going vessels bringing pilgrims from Egypt and Sudan have all arrived and their passengers have disembarked. The Saudi Government have made preparations for the reception of the thousands of Iraqi pilgrims who have been coming by road, and in this connection put at their disposal all the essential services that might be required, including medical and traffic services. Crown Prince Abdullah said the pilgrims must concentrate on their religious duties and avoid activities that would disturb the occasion. The huge numbers attending the annual pilgrimage to Makka have long posed a challenge to the Saudi authorities. Stampedes have claimed hundreds of lives during the ritual in recent years. This year, for the first time, foreign airlines are being allowed to fly pilgrims to the holy city of Madina, in a move which it is hoped will relieve pressure on the main Hajj airport at Jeddah. It is anticipated that Madina will receive up to 30 Hajj flights every day until the start of the pilgrimage at the end of January.

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