Neighbours Concerned over Risks of Iraq's Partition

Neighbours Concerned over Risks of Iraq
Iraq's neighbouring countries, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Iran, Kuwait, Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Bahrain wrapped up a two-day regional meeting on Sunday, by stressing the importance of preserving Iraq's territorial integrity and respecting its sovereignty, apparently concerned over the recent empowerment of Kurdish and Shia groups and its implications for the country's unity and stability. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal said on the sidelines of the conference that - everybody was concerned about the risks that a partitioning of Iraq might pose to the region. In a communique issued at the end of the fifth conference of their foreign ministers, the countries reiterated their demand for non-interference in Iraq's domestic affairs and supported the right of the Iraqi people to determine their political future. It underlined the importance of enhancing the role of the United Nations to enable it to perform its mission as regards the country's transitional period, and providing Iraq with the required technical advice for preparation of its constitution, holding elections and hastening the transfer of power in a manner that enables the Iraqi people to regain their rights. The communique welcomed the recognition of the United Nations secretary general of the role that could be played by Iraq's neighbouring countries in helping it in the transfer of power and realization of peace and stability. It also welcomed the decision of the UN secretary general to form a consultative group comprising representatives of the Security Council's permanent members and Iraq's neighbouring countries. **PHOTO CAPTION*** Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal. (AFP/File/Bilal Qabalan)

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