Annan Asks Israel to Respect ICJ Wall Ruling

Annan Asks Israel to Respect ICJ Wall Ruling
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan says Israel should abide by international law after the world court ruled that the controversial West Bank separation barrier is illegal. Speaking to reporters in Bangkok on Friday, Annan said Israel is responsible for complying with the decision. "I think the decision of the court is clear," he told reporters in Bangkok, where he is due to attend a world AIDS conference. The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the UN's highest legal body, ruled on Friday that the 700 km barrier violated international law. "Whilst we all accept the government of Israel has a responsibility, and indeed the duty to protect its citizens, any action it takes has to be in conformity with international law and has to respect the interest of the Palestinians," Annan said. **Israeli responsibility*** "And Israel, as an occupying power, is responsible for the welfare of the Palestinian people." "The report has been given to the general assembly and we'll see where they go from there," he said. "I don't want to prejudge what they may decide, so we'll leave it to the general assembly." The ruling said that those sections that cut into Palestinian areas should be torn down and ordered Israel to pay compensation for damages caused. While the Palestinians hailed the ruling as a great victory, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said on Sunday that Israel totally rejected the world court's ruling that the barrier breached international law. **Total rejection*** "I want to make clear, the state of Israel absolutely rejects the ruling of the International Court of Justice in The Hague," Sharon said. "It is a one-sided and politically motivated ruling." "The state of Israel totally rejects the opinion of the world court," Sharon said in his first public reaction to the advisory judgement. And the White House, Israel's chief supporter, said it was "inappropriate" for the ICJ to issue the ruling, a sentiment echoed by Democrat John Kerry, who is challenging President George Bush in the US presidential election in November. However, the Palestinian Authority has confirmed it would fight Israel all the way through the United Nations after the court gave its decision by 14 to one. **PHOTO CAPTION*** UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. (Al-Jazeera)

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