Neo-Nazis March in Memory of Adolf Hitler's Deputy

Neo-Nazis March in Memory of Adolf Hitler
Almost 4,000 neo-Nazis have taken to the streets of southern Germany - to mark the 17th anniversary of the death of Rudolf Hess. Jeered by counter-demonstrators, right-wing extremists gathered in Hess's Bavarian birthplace, coming from all over Europe to observe what has become an annual ritual. Hess, found hanged in his cell in Berlin's Spandau prison, is buried here in the town of Wunsiedel. After his death the local cemetery became a place of pilgrimage for some. Neo-Nazis were detained by police who said they were carrying banned symbols or weapons. A further 31 people were also held, including four left-wing protesters. The local council had tried in vain to ban the march. Rudolf Hess, who was captured after making a surprise flight to Scotland, was sentenced to life imprisonment at the Nuremburg trials that followed the Second World War. Generally thought to have committed suicide, many neo-Nazis believe his British military captors murdered him. **PHOTO CAPTION*** Rudolf Hess.

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