Arafat in Deeper Coma

Arafat in Deeper Coma
Yasir Arafat's condition has taken a turn for the worse and his coma has deepened, the French military hospital caring for the Palestinian leader has announced. "The state of health of Mr Arafat worsened during the night (on Monday)," Christian Estripeau the chief doctor treating him, said outside Percy military hospital in a south-western suburb of Paris on Tuesday. "The comatose state that led to his admission into intensive care is deeper this morning. That marks a significant step towards an evolution which cannot yet be determined," he said. Meanwhile, a delegation of Palestinian officials on a trip to see Arafat said they had been reassured by French authorities that the visitors would be admitted to see him on Tuesday. **Struggle*** French officials were not immediately available to comment on the visit, which has been at the heart of a struggle between the leaders and Arafat's wife Suha, who has used strict privacy laws in France to exercise tight control over access to, and news about, her husband. "The French authorities have given permission to the Palestinian leaders to visit Arafat at Percy hospital today," one Palestinian official said. Another official confirmed the visit was due to take place on Tuesday. **Aim*** The delegation comprising Prime minister Ahmad Quraya, acting Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) chief Mahmud Abbas, foreign minister Nabil Shaath and parliamentary speaker Rawhi Fattuh arrived in Paris on Monday evening with the aim of determining for themselves the state of Arafat's health. The delegation was first due to see French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier for what were described as political talks, and in the afternoon they had an appointment with President Jacques Chirac. A news conference was expected at 6pm (1700 GMT). The Palestinian representative in Paris, Laila Shahid, confirmed that the four would see Arafat, though she did not say when. Arafat was airlifted from his headquarters in Ramallah on 29 October and flown to Paris, where doctors are trying to diagnose a mysterious blood disorder. His condition deteriorated suddenly last Wednesday when he slipped into a coma, and was admitted to intensive care. **PHOTO CAPTION*** Palestinian schoolgirls pass by a poster of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat at Khan Younis refugee camp in southern Gaza Strip November 9, 2004. (Reuters)

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