Doctors Backs Yushchenko 'Poison' Claims

Doctors Backs Yushchenko
He is the man with two faces: In July Victor Yushchenko was on the Ukrainian campaign trail looking as he always had, then, months later, his appearance during the final days of the election was shocking. His face was pockmarked and scarred, and he appeared to be in poor health. The presidential candidate has always said he was poisoned, and now a report in a British newspaper is backing up his claims. A doctor working at the Austrian clinic where Yushchenko was treated has told The Times the politician was given a "substance" by people who aimed to kill him. Yushchenko fell ill after having dinner with the head of Ukraine's security services. The Austrian medic says the poison could have been eaten, drunk or injected. But he added confirmation of the substance used could only come if Yushchenko pays a personal visit to the clinic for tests. That does not look likely while the outcome of the election remains at stake. **PHOTO CAPTION*** Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Yuschenko, right, and former Polish President Lech Walesa, left, attend an opposition rally in Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday. (AP)

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