


There are 782 articles

  • Hijab is Faith, Purity, Piety and Chastity

    Islamic legislation has taken great care of Muslim women and guarantees the maintenance of their chastity and honor. The rules that have been imposed concerning their clothing are intended for the sole purpose of preventing corruption that results from the exposure of adornment. Islam does not restrict women’s freedom; rather, it is a means of.. More

  • Stopping the cycle of disobedience

    First, parents need to make their intention for the sake of Allah and remind themselves that they are disciplining their children to help them do their Islamic duty towards their parents and their family. Teaching a child to listen is not just about establishing parental authority or showing the child who's boss, it is basically about helping them do.. More

  • Mothers, Past and Present

    The mother plays an extremely important role in raising the children during the first years of their life as she remains at home more than the father, and her emotions towards the child are stronger than the father's. Hence, she is dearer to the child than him. Allah The Exalted has provided the mother with a special compassion that is recognized in.. More

  • Keys to Confronting Aggression in Children - III

    Positive emotions are generally stronger factors which motivate psychological activity when compared with feelings of failure. Therefore, this feeling should be developed first, before any other feeling in the upbringing process, and parents must ensure that no gap is left in the child's regular school attendance. Additionally, we should not try to.. More

  • Keys to Confronting Aggression in Children - II

    Fourth: Learn how to manage marital problems No home is free from disagreements among its members, foremost of whom are its pillars: the father and the mother. Since they are human beings, each has his own character and culture that shaped his habits and backgrounds. Everyone has the right to express himself even if it results in disagreements which.. More

  • Keys to Confronting Aggression in Children - I

    People often talk about children's aggressiveness and complain about it, and many of them analyze and interpret this phenomenon to know its causes. However, few people care about curing it and providing practical solutions to eliminate or avoid it. From this point, I will suggest some practical and well-defined methods for curing aggression in children... More

  • Characteristics of the Muslim Home

    A home is a place where the family dwells and settles down, and where they find the comfort and refuge they seek from the labor and stress of life. So, it is preferred to choose our homes with certain criteria, if possible, to attain tranquillity, calmness, comfort, and stability. Choosing a home with certain criteria nowadays is a major social problem.. More

  • Food and Our Children's Health - II

    The food we give our children may be suitable in terms of quantity and quality. But at the same time, it may expose them to risks. When would food be inappropriate for our children? Food would be inappropriate to our children in the following cases: • If it is unsuitable for the child’s age. For each age, there is a kind of food that.. More

  • Food and Our Children's Health - I

    In spite of the importance of food as a necessity for the growth of our children and building their bodies, they may be exposed to many risks if it does not conform to the rules and conditions of health. There are kinds of food that expose our children to risks. We will mention the following: • Extremely salty foods: Such as pickles and salty.. More

  • Your Role in Treating Enuresis

    Is it possible that I could have a role? Yes, dear caregiver, you are the one who plays the greatest role in treating your child's enuresis (bed-wetting), particularly if it goes back to psychological causes. Below is an outline of your role as clarified by physicians: - To habituate your child to depend on himself from an early age until he gets.. More

  • Emotional Communication Between Spouses - III

    Cooperation Between the Spouses Cooperation between the spouses gives life a wonderful flavor. Each of them shares with his partner the times of joy and sadness, poverty and richness, and in taking the right decisions. According to this participation, they become one soul and have effective happiness, affection, mercy and tranquility. There are many.. More

  • Emotional Communication Between Spouses - II

    No Room for Despair Between the Spouses Sexual desire is like any other human desire and is not connected to a certain age, because it is a part of the physical structure of a human. Hence, the wife should know that her own or her husband’s sexual desire does not stop at the age of menopause. If the woman is healthy and does not suffer from physical.. More

  • Emotional Communication Between Spouses – I

    Emotional communication is the key to happiness between the spouses. Marital life begins with strong, good emotions and warm feelings. In the course of time, these emotions may become apathetic and lose their warmth. This is the most dangerous problem in the marital life and would crack its edifice. The wife should pay great attention to this problem.. More

  • The Veil: The View From The Inside

    By: Nakata Khaula When I returned to Islam, the religion of our inborn nature, a fierce debate raged about girls observing the hijab at schools in France. It still does. The majority, it seemed, thought that wearing the head-scarf was contrary to the principle that public -that is state-funded - schools should be neutral with regard to religion. Even.. More

  • Faatimah bint Asad ibn Hishaam

    She was from the tribe of Bnu Haashim of Quraysh. Her father was Asad ibn Haashim ibn 'Abd Manaaf, and her husband was Abu Taalib, the uncle of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, and was the mother of 'Ali ibn Abu Taalib, may Allah be pleased with him. When her husband Abu Taalib brought him, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, to their house after.. More