


There are 782 articles

  • Tenth Principle: The Obligation of Ghayrah (protective jealousy) over Mahrams and All Female Believers

    Ghayrah is a spiritual barrier that protects Hijab and averts Tabarruj (exposure of beauty), Sufoor (exposure of the face) and free mixing. Such jealousy is the spiritual force placed by Allah The Almighty within the slave in order to protect His sanctities, his own honor, and chastity from every criminal and treacherous person. This type of Ghayrah.. More

  • Women's Impermissible Exposure of Beauty - II

    O Muslims, listen to the Quran when it calls you by the most sublime name - believers. Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what they do. And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard.. More

  • Women's Impermissible Exposure of Beauty - I

    O Muslims, the issue of women is neither new nor easy. It is, in fact, a great issue that must be paid great attention to and things that could uproot evil and corruption in relation to them must be studied. It is an eternal issue, old and recent. It was an issue for the Children of Israel and they were cursed when their women openly strutted about.. More

  • Woman’s Work in the Scales of Islamic Sharee'ah

    The topic of woman’s work and her participation with man in public life has raised, and is still raising, much controversy. Those who call for woman’s work outside her house and taking part in men’s work put before their eyes the model of the West in this regard and their wish to imitate it. They claim that this is one of the necessities.. More

  • When a Monitor and Mouse Steal Your Child Away…

    It was a happy family. The mother was content, the father reassured, and the child used to play with his parents, sometimes with building blocks, and at other times with the ball. The family had frequent outings… to the club, to visit his paternal or maternal cousins, the funfair, the beach, and so on. Both parents gave special care to provide.. More

  • What Awaits Women in Paradise?

    Women always pose many questions about their status and conditions in Paradise and about what is waiting for them there. So, I thought it would be useful if I compile all the relevant issues concerning this subject along with their authentic proofs from the Quran and Sunnah in addition to the opinions of reliable scholars to clarify the subject. It.. More

  • Advice to my daughter

    My daughter, I am a man who is no longer young and I left my dreams and illusions behind. I traveled a lot, met people and experienced life. Therefore, please listen to this sound, frank word of advice that is the extract of my long age and experiences. I think you have never heard such things from anyone else. We wrote and called for rectifying morals,.. More

  • Rulings on Interaction With Marriageable Men - I

    · A woman talking with non-Mahram (marriageable) men Is the woman's voice prohibited to be heard to the extent that she should not talk with sellers in the markets in order to buy something without softening or sweetening her speech? Does the same ruling apply when she decently goes to the dressmaker to have her clothes tailored? The woman's.. More

  • The Muslim Woman and Western Hurricanes

    In modern Western imperialistic thought, the woman represents a very important front in the conflict against Islam and Muslims. This strife aims at culminating in the control of the fortunes of the Muslim Ummah by the Christian West, dominance over its will, depletion of its resources and entanglement into the circle of absolute dependency, as a slave.. More

  • Lying is the Source of All Sins

    Lying is the source of all sins and it is the shortest way to Hell. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Beware of lying because lying leads to dissoluteness, and dissoluteness leads to Hell. A person keeps on telling lies until he is written before Allah as a liar.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] Lying, in essence, is deliberately.. More

  • Al-Mann (Reminding others of one’s favors for them) is a Characteristic of the Miser

    The Meaning of the Word Mann The word Mann may be used to mean interruption and cessation, as in the saying of Allah The Almighty: {For they will have a reward uninterrupted.}[Quran 95:6] It may also mean doing what is good. Another derivative of this word is the word “Mannah”, which means a great blessing, as in the saying of Allah The.. More

  • Self-Control is the Way to Happiness

    A person in this worldly life lives in a state of ongoing struggle against visible and unseen enemies, and though some enemies are unseen, they may be more destructive than the visible ones. Therefore, one should always be alert and cautious. A person’s own self is the most hostile enemy that urges him to attain every possible desire and obtain.. More

  • Islam and the Practice of Physical Punishment

    As you know, Islam is the religion of truth and moderation with neither exaggeration nor negligence. Therefore, Islam does not prevent beating completely or consider it insignificant in upbringing. Rather, sometimes the human soul needs this method, particularly when other methods are ineffective. On the other hand, Islam considers the psychological.. More

  • Contemplation and Consideration – Qualities of the Virtuous - II

    After knowing the value of contemplation and the verses, many Hadeeth and sayings regarding it, it is worthy of us to pause and ponder our identity, creation and destiny; and, whether we are to live forever or die, and if we are to pass away, then where would we go: Hell or Paradise? Verily, life without Allah The Almighty is like a mirage that appears.. More

  • Contemplation and Consideration – Qualities of the Virtuous - I

    Deliberation most certainly leads to knowledge, which, in turn, results in action. Hence, if people ponder the magnificence of Allah The Almighty, they will surely refrain from His disobedience. Moreover, contemplation is a mirror that reflects one’s good and evil deeds. It is one of the best acts of worship, for not only does it bring about wisdom,.. More