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Supporters cheer SAfrica's Zuma as he leaves court in graft case

Supporters cheer SAfrica

South Africa's ruling party chief Jacob Zuma was cheered by thousands of supporters Monday as he left court on graft charges that could end his shot at becoming president next year.

Crowds that had gathered opposite the courthouse earlier in the day when the 66-year-old African National Congress (ANC) leader entered the dock for his trial screamed a hero's welcome as he walked toward a stage outside.
After a full day of hearings inside the courthouse related to Zuma's argument that the charges should be declared unlawful, the case was adjourned until Tuesday morning.
"In my life I have never been afraid of anything," Zuma told the crowd, speaking in the Zulu language.
"Those who know me will know that I am not a coward. I have never been afraid of anything ... I was willing to die for this country and I am prepared to die for it."
After speaking for about 10 minutes, Zuma danced and led the crowd in singing his signature tune "Awulethe Umshini Wami" (Zulu for "Bring Me My Machine-Gun"). He promised to speak longer following his court appearance on Tuesday.
Supporters, including some dressed in military fatigues, had spent the day dancing and singing while denouncing the charges against Zuma as a political vendetta.
Protesters had vowed to shut down the sleepy city of Pietermaritzburg, where the trial of the politician -- a native of the region -- is being held.
Zuma has sought to have the case against him thrown out, making it likely the long-awaited trial will be further delayed.
"Where is the justice?" Zuma lawyer Kemp J. Kemp said during the hearing, arguing the case should be dismissed as prosecutors did not follow constitutional rules when deciding to charge Zuma.
It is the second time the state has attempted to prosecute Zuma for corruption. A judge struck the prosecutors' last bid off in 2006, declaring their case against the populist leader was a disaster.
Zuma was charged again days after he toppled South African President Thabo Mbeki as ANC leader in December, and his supporters have always believed the case to be politically-motivated.
"We believe he is being persecuted more than prosecuted," ANC spokeswoman Jessie Duarte told AFP of the man seeking to become South Africa's third black president in elections next year.
"Even if he is in jail, we will vote for him," said Lindo Khumalo, 25, a supporter from Pietermaritzburg wielding a fake machine gun.
Zuma's lawyers want the case declared unlawful, and if this is not successful will bring an application for a permanent stay of prosecution, arguing that repeated delays render a fair trial impossible.
The application is expected to take two days, before the trial is provisionally adjourned. Legal challenges to the case could even push it beyond next year's elections.
Zuma is facing a total of 16 charges ranging from money-laundering to racketeering, brought against him as a result of a seven-year investigation.
The main charge against him is that he allegedly received bribes for protecting French arms company Thint in an investigation into a controversial arms deal.
Zuma had been accused of soliciting a bribe of 500,000 rand (68,000 euros, 43,500 dollars) annually from the company, a subsidiary of Thales.
The ANC leader has said he would stand down if convicted but will not do so while the accusations are unproven.
Zuma was dramatically cleared of rape in May 2006 after a trial in which he admitted sleeping with an HIV-positive family friend less than half his age, and stated that he used a shower after sex as his sole means to prevent infection.

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