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UN pushes Gaza war probes

UN pushes Gaza war probes

The UN General Assembly has overwhelmingly approved a resolution renewing a demand that the Palestinians and Israelis conduct "independent, credible" investigations into alleged war crimes during Israel's war on Gaza in December 2008.

The vote in the 192-member body in New York on Friday saw 98 countries vote in favor of the resolution, seven against, 31 abstaining and 56 refusing to vote.
The non-binding resolution, sponsored by the Palestinian delegation along with several Arab and African countries, is similar to a resolution passed by the assembly in November.
It again calls on the Israelis and the Palestinians "to conduct investigations that are independent, credible and in conformity with international standards".
The vote gives Israel and the Palestinians an additional five months to undertake their investigations, the two sides having been given an initial three months following the previous vote in November.
The latest resolution asks Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary general, to report back to the assembly "within a period of five months on the implementation of the present resolution, with a view to the consideration of further action, if necessary, by the relevant UN organs and bodies, including the Security Council".
Those voting against the resolution included Israel, Canada, Nauru, Panama, Micronesia, Macedonia and the United States.
No EU member voted against the text, with some voting yes and others abstaining.
Palestinian civilians run for cover during an Israeli air strike over a UN school in the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Lahia in January 2009.

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