- A woman going to male doctors
When a woman is obliged to go to a male doctor to examine her, it is necessary to expose part of her body.
What is the ruling on that?
It is permissible for a woman to go to a male doctor in the absence of a female one, and she is allowed to reveal the parts he needs to examine. However, this should be done in the presence of a Mahram (non-marriageable man) and without being in private with the doctor. It is prohibited for a man and woman to be alone together in private. A woman is permitted to see a male doctor if she needs to. Scholars say that such cases are originally prohibited due to the possibility of sinning. Acts that are prohibited because they may lead to sinning become permissible when a need arises.
- Permissibility of meeting in private under necessity
In some cases, a woman may be uncovered before non-Mahram (marriageable) men for a necessity. For instance, the wife of a neighbor may fall ill and her husband is absent and there is no Mahram (non-marriageable) relative with her. What should a man -- a neighbor for example-- do in this case?
Undoubtedly, intermixing with non-Mahram women is impermissible, and meeting with them in private is more prohibited. However, rulings change under necessity. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {He has explained in detail to you what He has forbidden you, excepting that to which you are compelled.} [Quran 6:119] If it is necessary, it is permissible for a Muslim to speak to his neighbor’s wife and to enter her house to take her to the doctor or the like. But a man should avert the temptation by calling his wife to help him; hence, he will avoid being in private with a non-Mahram woman.
- Ruling on a blind man entering upon non-Mahram women
What is the ruling on a blind man entering upon non-Mahram (marriageable) women for the purpose of teaching in schools?
There is no blame if a blind man enters upon non-Mahram women for the purpose of teaching, because it is permissible for a woman to look at a blind man as long as there is no temptation involved. The evidence is that the Prophet,
, said to Faatimah bint Qays, may Allah be pleased with her: "Observe your ‘Iddah (waiting period) in the house of Ibn Umm Maktoom, for he is a blind man and you can remove your garments in his house." [Muslim] He also permitted ‘Aa'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, to look at the Ethiopians while they were playing in the Masjid. Nevertheless, if temptation occurs by enjoying listening to the woman's voice or by bringing her close to him and holding her hand or the like, this will not be permissible. It becomes impermissible not because it is prohibited to look at the blind man, but because of the temptation involved.

There is a common practice that a woman shakes hands with non-Mahram (marriageable) men when wearing an isolating medium on her hand (such as a glove or a handkerchief). What is the ruling on that? Does an elderly woman take the same ruling as the young woman?
It is not permissible for a Muslim man to shake hands with a non-Mahram woman directly or with an isolating medium since this may cause temptation. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.} [Quran 17:32] The Quranic verse implies that we must keep away from everything which may lead to the grave sin of adultery, which is committed by the private parts, or the lesser adultery (which includes, for example, unlawful touching or looking between a man and a woman). If a man touches the hand of a non-Mahram woman sexual desire will be aroused.
Moreover, there are Hadeeths that set a severe punishment for the man who shakes hands with non-Mahram women. In this ruling, there is no difference between the young and aged woman, because there are people who misuse every concession. In addition, people differ in determining the criterion for the young and the elderly woman. In other words, a person may see a particular woman as elderly, whereas another man may see her as young.
- A woman being in private with a driver
Some people send their daughters to schools or other places with non-Mahram drivers without caring about the evil consequences of this matter. I wish you would give them advice.
This matter takes place in two ways:
First: Several women are riding with the driver. In this case, it will be permissible, as long as they do not travel. The Prophet,
, said: "A man should not meet a non-Mahram woman in private." This is not considered meeting in private, but the driver has to be trustworthy. If the driver is not trustworthy, he is not allowed to be in private with women except in the presence of an adult Mahram man.

Second: A woman rides alone with the driver. This is not allowed even for one minute. That is because being alone with her is considered the meeting of a couple in private that the Prophet,
, forbade, saying: "A man should not meet a non-Mahram woman in private." He also told us that Satan would be their third. Thus, guardians are not allowed to leave their women alone with non-Mahram drivers, nor are women permitted to ride with a driver alone without a Mahram. This is disobedience to the Messenger,
, and thus disobedience to Allah The Almighty. That is because whoever obeys the Messenger of Allah has obeyed Allah The Almighty. Allah The Almighty Says (what means):

- {He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah.} [Quran 4:80]
- {And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly strayed into clear error.} [Quran 33:36]
Muslim brothers and sisters, we have to obey Allah The Almighty, abide by His command and the command of His Messenger,
, for this brings about a great benefit and a desirable end. We, Muslims, should have protective jealousy about our women and not leave them for Satan to harm them. Surely, Satan drags people into temptation and allurement.

I warn my Muslim brothers against negligence [of religious obligations] and indifference to the splendor of this life that Allah The Almighty granted us, taking into consideration the Quranic verse in which Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And the companions of the left - what are the companions of the left?[They will be] in scorching fire and scalding water. And a shade of black smoke, Neither cool nor beneficial. Indeed they were, before that, indulging in affluence, And they used to persist in the great violation.}[Quran 56:41-46] Let us always remember what Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {But as for he who is given his record behind his back, He will cry out for destruction. And [enter to] burn in a Blaze. Indeed, he had [once] been among his people in happiness.}[Quran 84:10-13]
Rulings on Interaction With Marriageable Men - I
Rulings on Interaction with Marriageable Men - II