The call for women to go out to work in the same field as men, (thus leading to impermissible free mixing) under the claim that it is an inescapable aspect of the modern era and civilization is fraught with danger. This is because it leads to serious and calamitous consequences, besides being in opposition to the texts based on the Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation) that command the woman to abide in her house and devote herself to her work inside the house.
In order to understand the countless aspects of corruption as a result of free mixing, one only needs to take a look at the communities that came to suffer from such disasters (willingly or unwillingly), evaluate them with impartiality and devote himself only to uncovering the truth. Undoubtedly, one would discover individual and collective grievances, disorder due to the woman's emergence from her house and the disintegration of the family. This has been clearly pointed out by many writers and in the mass media as the chief cause that undermines the structure of society.
There are numerous clear evidences supporting the prohibition of a man meeting a woman in private, and looking at her; and the prohibition of the means that lead to falling into what is forbidden by Allah The Almighty. This evidence ultimately results in the prohibition of free mixing since it leads to unfavorable consequences.
Removing the woman from her house (which is her personal kingdom and vital base), is indeed a manner of turning her out of the sphere of her intrinsic nature and natural environment, on which she is predisposed by Allah The Almighty.
The call for the woman to go into the areas of work that are specific to men has dangerous consequences for the Islamic society; and one of its greatest effects is impermissible mixing, which is the major means to adultery that destroys the community and undermines its values and morals.
It is a well-known fact that Allah The Almighty gave the woman a special physical structure and psyche that is totally different from that of man, wherewith He prepared her to perform work inside her house, and among her fellow females. This means that if the woman intrudes into the area of men she is to deviate from her own nature; and this is a major crime against the woman, as it destroys her spiritual values and her natural personality.
The effect of this deviation extends to the upcoming generation of children – both males and females -- who would inevitably miss out on a sound upbringing, and the compassion and kindness of a mother, who is detached from her natural role and isolated from her own kingdom, which is the only place where she finds comfort, stability and reassurance. The state of the communities that have been involved in this disaster is the truest witness to what we say.
Islam has given each of the spouses special responsibilities which they undertake for the structure of society to be stable inside and outside the house.
The man is responsible for earning and providing expenses, whereas the woman is entrusted with providing a sound upbringing, compassion, kindness, suckling, nurturing and other work that is appropriate for her like educating children, managing their school affairs, nursing and medicine. If a woman leaves the responsibility of the house, it leads to neglect of the house along with all its members. The expected result is, of course, the material and spiritual disintegration of the family, and by extension, society.
Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth.} [Quran 4:34]
It is the established practice of Allah The Almighty with His creation that the man is responsible for, and superior to the woman as confirmed by the Quran. The command given by Allah The Almighty to the woman to abide in her house, and forbiddance to her to display her beauty mean forbiddance of mixing, i.e., the gathering of men with women who are marriageable strangers to them in one area, due to work, selling and buying, recreation, travelling, and so on. This is because if the woman enters the field (of men) it leads her to fall into what is forbidden, in opposition to the command of Allah The Almighty, and negligence of His rights which a Muslim woman is required to fulfill under Sharee‘ah.
Prohibition of mixing and all the means that lead to it
The Quran and the Sunnah provide evidence of the prohibition of mixing and all its means. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And abide in your houses and do not display yourselves as [was] the display of the former times of ignorance. And establish prayer and give Zakah (purifying alms) and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah intends only to remove from you the impurity [of sin], O people of the [Prophet's] household, and to purify you with [extensive] purification. And remember what is recited in your houses of the verses of Allah and wisdom. Indeed, Allah is ever Subtle and Acquainted [with all things].} [Quran 33:33-34]
Here, Allah The Almighty commands the Mothers of Believers, may Allah be pleased with them (and all believing women are included therein), to abide in their houses, in order to safeguard them, and keep them far from all means of corruption, for coming out without need leads them to display their beauty, which, in turn, causes many evils.
Allah The Almighty further commands them to do righteous deeds that forbid them from immorality and evildoings, by establishing prayer, giving Zakah, and obeying Allah The Almighty and His Messenger,
. Then, He The Almighty directs them to do all that benefits them in the world and Hereafter, i.e., to be in constant touch with the Noble Quran and the purified Prophetic Sunnah, which polish the hearts from rust, and purify them from abomination and filth, and guide to the truth and the right way.
Allah The Almighty further Says (what means): {O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.}[Quran 33:59]
Here, Allah The Almighty orders His Prophet,
as the conveyer of His Message, to tell his wives and daughters, as well as all believing women, to bring down a part of their outer garments over themselves, i.e,. to screen all the parts of their bodies, if they like to come out for a dire need, in order not to be vulnerable to the harm of men who have a diseased heart. If this is the case, what about her going into the field of men, mixing with them, and showing her need of them by the nature of the job, giving up her femininity in order to fit in with them, and losing a great deal of her modesty to make room for harmony between the two sexes, who are different in form and content?
Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is acquainted with what they do. And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests...} [Quran 24:30-31]
Here, Allah The Almighty commands His Prophet,
, to tell the believing men and women to reduce their vision and guard the private parts from adultery, then He explains that this is more convenient to purify them. It is well-known that in order to guard the private parts from immorality, one should avoid the means that lead to it.
No doubt, not guarding one's gaze and mixing of men with women in the areas of work and other places are among the greatest means that cause immorality. Both these are obligations that a believer is required to do, and can hardly be achieved while he works with a woman who is a marriageable stranger to him as his colleague or partner at work. It is impossible, with both entering into the same field (of work), to reduce their sight, guard their private parts, and attain purification.
Dangers of Women Entering Men's Fields of Work - II