1. Women

There are 17997 articles

  • Sudan 'unprepared' for referendum

    The Sudanese government and the United Nations are "alarmingly" unprepared for a scheduled January 2011 referendum on south Sudan's independence, according to a new report from a coalition of NGOs. The report, released on Wednesday, said that Sudan had missed a number of deadlines to prepare for the referendum, and that the voter registration.. More

  • Israel: Mistakes over flotilla raid

    An Israeli military report has blamed bad intelligence and planning for the deadly raid on a flotilla of aid ships heading for the Gaza Strip, but recommended no disciplinary action against senior officers. The investigation, conducted by an army committee, found that the navy did not prepare for the possibility that it would face resistance aboard.. More

  • ICC charges Bashir with genocide

    The International Criminal Court (ICC) has added genocide to the list of charges against Omar al-Bashir, the president of Sudan. "The Chamber finds that there is sufficient evidence to establish reasonable grounds to believe that [al-Bashir] is criminally responsible ... for those charges of genocide," a court decision published on Monday.. More

  • Bosnia marks Srebrenica massacre

    Bosnians have marked 15 years since the massacre at Srebrenica, when Bosnian Serbs slaughtered almost 8,000 Muslims in Europe's worst mass killings since the Second World War. A crowd of about 60,000 people turned out to a ceremony in the village of Potocari, 6km north-west of Srebrenica, on Sunday, as the recently identified remains of 775 victims.. More

  • Yemen arrests al-Qaeda suspects

    Yemen has arrested eight suspected al-Qaeda fighters, including a Saudi fugitive, accused of plotting attacks on security installations in Yemen, the defense ministry has said. Sunday's arrests came days after two suspected members of the same al-Qaeda cell were detained after a raid on a house in Hadramout province that sparked clashes in which three.. More

  • Libyan aid ship sails for Gaza

    A Libya-sponsored ship carrying 2,000 tonnes of aid has set sail from Greece for the blockaded Gaza Strip in spite of warnings from Israel not to approach the Palestinian territory. The captain of the Al-Amal vessel, a Cuban national, confirmed to Al Jazeera on Saturday shortly before leaving the Lavrio Port, in southeastern Greece, that he planned.. More

  • Sudan seeks north-south 'road map'

    Leaders from north and south Sudan have begun talks to form a strategy to deal with the results of a referendum on southern independence, to be held next year. Talks between the president's National Congress Party (NCP) and the south's Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) in Khartoum, the capital, focused on planning a peaceful transition for.. More

  • Deadly blast rocks Kandahar city

    An explosion has rocked the city of Kandahar in southern Afghanistan, killing at least one person, while five Nato troops died in fighting elsewhere in the country. Seven people were also wounded in the Kandahar blast on Saturday, which occurred near the Continental Hotel in the city's commercial centre when explosives strapped to a parked motorcycle.. More

  • UN: West Bank wall a health hazard

    Israel's separation barrier makes it difficult for Palestinians living in the West Bank to obtain proper health care, according to a new report from the United Nations.The report, prepared by the Office of the Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs, found that thousands of Palestinians have limited access to East Jerusalem hospitals because of the barrier. Amb.. More

  • US and Russia complete spy swap

    Russia and the United States have completed a dramatic spy swap involving 10 Russian agents deported by US authorities and four people convicted of spying in Russia. The Russian agents touched down at Domodedovo airport south of Moscow on Friday after having been handed over to Russian authorities at an airport in Vienna. The plane carrying those.. More

  • Scores dead in Pakistan bomb blasts

    A suicide attack outside the office of a senior government official in Pakistan's northwest has killed up to 62 people and wounded at least 107 more, government and hospital officials say. Rasool Khan, the region's assistant political agent, said two bombers struck on Friday after people had gathered around his office, in the Mohmand tribal area along.. More

  • Lebanon buries leading Shia cleric

    Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, Lebanon's most influential Shia Muslim figure, has been buried at the Hassanein mosque in Beirut. Supporters carried Fadlallah's body around Shia neighbourhoods in the south of the capital before returning him to the mosque to be laid to rest. Thousands of mourners had gathered at the mosque on Tuesday for.. More

  • Israel to indict soldier over Gaza

    An Israeli soldier who fought in the country's war on Gaza last year is to be prosecuted for the manslaughter of two Palestinian women, the military has said. The move, which is the first prosecution of an Israeli soldier over the deaths of civilians during the 22-day war, was one of several disciplinary steps announced by the army following an internal.. More

  • More deaths in Kashmir protests

    Three more people have been killed in continuing unrest in Indian-administered Kashmir after police opened fire on demonstrators venting their anger over a recent spate of killings in police firing. The three, including a 16-year-old-boy, were shot dead on Tuesday after a large crowd took to the streets shouting "We want freedom" and hurled.. More

  • France set to debate veil ban

    French politicians are to debate a controversial bill that would ban face-covering veils in public, a proposal that has sparked fierce criticism and praise. Michele Alliot-Marie, the French justice minister presenting the bill on Tuesday, said she hoped for a "consensus," insisting the law was not exclusively aimed at Muslim women. "The.. More