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There are 17997 articles

  • IAEA meeting to discuss Israel

    The United Nations nuclear agency is expected to discuss Israel's nuclear capabilities at its board of governors meeting in the Austrian capital, Vienna. Itis the first time since 1991 that Israel's nuclear issue is included in the five-day meeting ofthe International Atomic Engery Agency (IAEA), whichbegan on Monday. Al Jazeera's Alan Fisher, reporting.. More

  • Palestinians killed by Israeli fire

    At least fourPalestinians have been killedafteran Israeli navy patrolfired on a group ofmen allegedly wearing diving gearin Nuseirat offthe Gaza coast.The Israelimilitarysaidthose killed on Mondaywere planning a "terror attack". Butal-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, thearmed wing of Fatah,told Al Jazeera the men were members of the group and were.. More

  • Multiple bombings rock Baghdad

    At least six people have been killed in a wave of bombings in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. Four police officers and one civilian were killed when a suicide bomber blew up a car outside a police station in the southern al-Amil district on Sunday morning. About a dozen of others were injured when the attacker drove a vehicle packed with explosives into.. More

  • Afghan gathering agrees peace moves with Taliban

    Afghanistan's interior minister and the head of the intelligence service have resigned over Wednesday'sattack ona peace conference. Hamid Karzai, the president of Afghanistan, accepted the resignations on Sunday. "President Karzai accepted the resignation letters of the minister of interior [Mohammed] Hanif Atmar and of the chief of the NDS [Afghan.. More

  • Israeli PM defends aid ship attack

    Israel's prime minister has claimed that a group of activists intent on violence secretly boardedthe Turkish ship Mavi Marmara, avoiding security checks, andattacked Israeli troops during last week's deadly raid. Binyamin Netanyahu made the accusations during a cabinet meetingon Sunday but provided no evidence to back them up. The claims also go.. More

  • BP cap catches '10,000 barrels'

    A containment cap on a ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico is now funnelling off 10,000 barrels of oil a day, BP's chief executive Tony Hayward says. The amount has risen since Saturday, and implies more than half the estimated 12,000 to 19,000 barrels leaking each day is now being captured. The spill has been described as the biggest environmental.. More

  • Iraqi politician shot dead in Mosul

    An Iraqi politician from the Iraqiya bloc has been shot dead by armed men in the northern city of Mosul, officials say. Police say unknown assailants shotFaris Jassim al-Jubouri early onSaturday in his home in Mosulabout 350km north of Baghdad. No group has so far claimed responsibility for the attack. The Iraqiya bloc of former Prime Minister.. More

  • Gaza aid ship taken to Israeli port

    Israelisoldiers have boarded an aid ship bound for the Gaza Strip and forced it to head to the Israeli port of Ashdod instead. The Israeli military saidin a statement that troops boarded MV Rachel Corrie on Saturday after the activists aboard the ship ignored warnings to divert to Ashdod. "There was no violence or injuries amongst the soldiers.. More

  • Turkey flays Israel over killings

    Turkish leadershave criticized Israel further over their deadly raid on an aid flotillabound for the Gaza Strip, in which nine Turkish activists werekilled. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the prime minister of Turkey, said in a televised speech to members of his AK Party in the city of Konya on Friday that Israel had betrayed its religion, and stood up for.. More

  • Afghan jirga backs peace process

    Afghan political and religious leaders have called forthe start of apeace process to end conflict with the Taliban, offering the country's president a mandate to open negotiations with the group. Delegates at a three-day "peace jirga" in Kabul, the capital, urged all parties involved in the ongoing conflict with the Taliban to lay.. More

  • Israel vows to stop Gaza aid ship

    Israel has reiterated that a ship carrying aid and international activists will not be allowed to break its blockade of the Gaza Strip. The MV Rachel Corrie is on schedule to reach the territory early on Saturday. The confrontation comes days after Israeli commandos stormed a flotilla of aid ships approaching Gaza, leaving nine people dead and.. More

  • Gaza activists welcomed in Turkey

    Three planes carrying activists from the Gaza aid flotilla stormed by Israelhave arrived in Istanbul. The flights carrying hundreds ofactivists, including some who were injured in the Israeli raid, landed early on Thursday. The bodies of nine people killed in Monday's raid were also reported to have been on board. At least four of the dead are believed.. More

  • Turkish aid activists flown home

    A plane carrying activists wounded after Israel's deadly raid on the Gaza flotilla has landed in Turkey. At least two people wounded in Monday's deadly assault, including one Turkish and one Irish national, were transferred to hospitals in Ankara shortly after landing on Wednesday. Hundreds of other activists are expected to land in Turkey in the.. More

  • Taliban attacks Afghan peace jirga

    HamidKarzai, the Afghan president, has opened a three-day peace conference in the capital, Kabul, amid rocket fire and at least one suicide bombing.Several rockets were launched at the tent housing the conference, locally calleda "jirga", duringKarzai's opening speech on Wednesday. Long bursts of gunfire were also heard nearby.A suicide bomber.. More

  • Five Gazans killed by Israeli fire

    Five Palestinians fighters have been killed by Israeli fire in the Gaza Strip, officials and medics have said. A spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees said three of the group's members had been killed in an Israeli air strike over the northern Gaza Strip on Tuesday. Islamic Jihad identified the two men killed in the other incident as members.. More