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  2. Islamic History

There are 77 articles

  • Taariq Ibn Ziyaad: The Conqueror of Andalusia

    Tariq Ibn Ziyad is one of the most prominent commanders who recorded his name in the glorious Islamic history which includes names like Khalid Ibn Al-Waleed, S`ad Ibn Abi Waqas, `Amr Ibn Al-`Aas, Salahuddeen and Muhammad Al-Fatih. Through Tariq Ibn Ziyad, a Muslim state was established in Andalusia, known nowadays as Spain and Portugal. This.. More

  • The learned master of the Ummah, ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas

    He is the glorious Companion, ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, the paternal cousin of the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. He was born three years before the Hijrah, and gave the pledge of allegiance to the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, when he was very young, and had.. More

  • A glimpse at the life of ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab – I

    When this religion was revealed and the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam taught it and raised people according to its instructions, it delivered brilliant men and women who illuminated history and were esteemed by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. This religion produced such people who upheld its exalted standards and applied its edicts all over.. More

  • A glimpse at the life of ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab – II

    His religious knowledge and the Prophet's praise of him: Allah, the Magnificent and Glorified, had willed goodness for `Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him, and thus rendered him well versed in the religion and enriched him with knowledge. Many scholars have compiled numerous narrations of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam regarding Umar's.. More

  • Muhammad Al-Fatih: about whom the Prophet gave glad tidings

    For eight centuries, the conquest of Constantinople, now Istanbul, Turkey, was a dream for the Muslim commanders. Ever since the era of the revered companion, Mu'awiyah Ibn Abu Sufyan, there had been many attempts to conquer it, but none had succeeded. Every Muslim commander wanted to be the conqueror praised in the narration in which the Prophet,.. More

  • Al-Baraa' Ibn Maalik Al-Ansaari

    His skin's color was pale and his hair was knotted. But it was his skinny frame that made those who did not know him turn away from him in disapproval. Yet it was he who had defeated one hundred of the knights in duels, to say nothing of those whom he had slain in battle. He, may Allaah be pleased with him, was the courageous, ferocious champion at.. More

  • Jabir Ibn Abdullah

    When Abdullah Ibn 'Amr, may Allaah be pleased with him, joined the Muslim army in the battle of Uhud, he left in Madeenah his son Jabir to take care of the family. Abdullaah, may Allaah be pleased with him, had many daughters; he ordered his only son to take care of them, and did not allow him to join the fighters. The Muslims returned defeated from.. More

  • The caliphate of 'Umar -III

    Conquest of Jerusalem, 15 AH/ 636 AD In course of time, when Muslim troops were winning victories in Antakiyah and its suburbs, Yazeed bin Abu Sufyan, may Allaah be pleased with him, the governor of Damascus sent his brother, Mu'awiyah bin Abu Sufyaan, may Allaah be pleased with him, towards Qaisariyah (Caesarea or Kayseri) as per the Caliph's order... More

  • The caliphate of 'Umar -II

    After the defeat of Buwayb, the Persian chiefs and nobles buried their differences and mobilized their forces to serve their country even in the face of death. Rustam and Fayrouz (prime minister of the Persian Empire) were the pillars of the State, but a violent friction raged between them. Now both of them were persuaded to shake hands in the interest.. More

  • The caliphate of 'Umar -I

    Before his death (13 AH), Abu Bakr, may Allaah be pleased with him, named 'Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him, as his successor. The Muslims at large took Bay’ah (oath of allegiance) at the hand of 'Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him, in Al-Madeenah on Tuesday, 23 Jumad Al-Akhir, 13 AH. After accepting the oath of allegiance for his Caliphate,.. More

  • Moosa Ibn Nusayr, the second liberator of North Africa -II

    Moosa ibn Nusayr, may Allaah have mercy upon him, made a careful study of the Roman colonizers' administrative division of North Africa and laid down the military strategy required to defeat them. This consisted of: - Choosing loyal and proficient commanders. - Having direct contact with the soldiers through constant discussion and personal.. More

  • Moosa Ibn Nusayr, the second liberator of North Africa - I

    This is a conversation that took place between Moosa ibn Nusayr, may Allaah have mercy upon him, and the caliph of his era: The Caliph: "What do you resort to at times of difficulty during war?" Moosa: "I trust in Allah and offer prayers to Him." The Caliph: "Do you use castles or ditches (to protect yourself and your army)?" .. More

  • Muhammad Ibn Al-Qasim: The Young Leader

    Al-Hajjaj Ibn Yoosuf At-Thaqafee, the ruler of Iraq was sitting in his court surrounded by his dignitaries and army commanders (chief of staffs). They were discussing the affairs of the state trying to find solutions to people's problems. One of Al-Hajjaj's men entered and whispered some words to him, so he stopped the conversation and said loudly:.. More

  • Follow their Footprints

    There have been people who insisted on leaving their imprints on life, and this is why history has immortalized their mention. They formed the civilization of their Ummah (nation); their renaissance became a source of goodness and light for the entire world, and they were the lanterns which lit the way for the West during their age of darkness. Al-Hasan.. More

  • The caliphate of Al-Hasan -II

    Peace Treaty When Al-Hasan, may Allaah be pleased with him, saw the signed and stamped paper brought by 'Abdullah Ibn 'Aamir from Mu'awiyah, may Allaah be pleased with him, he objected to the condition that the caliphate would be restored to him after the demise of Mu'aawiyah. He said, "I strongly dislike the condition of my being chosen Caliph.. More