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There are 846 articles

  • Palestinians under pressure to drop UN bid

    The Palestinians have came under intense pressure to drop a bid for UN membership as diplomats worked behind the scenes to head off a looming clash. Riyad al-Maliki, Palestinian foreign minister, said he was "amazed" by the US efforts to persuade other countries to not to support the Palestinian bid. "They have used different forms.. More

  • Libya survivor describes 1996 prison massacre

    Anwar Haraga was 26 when men from Libya's Internal Security agency came to his door in Tripoli one night. It was 1989. Haraga was newly married and had just returned from five years of study in England. He was heading toward a promising career in computer engineering. But Haraga had a problem. He wore a beard and traditional Arab Islamic clothes,.. More

  • Racism on the rise in Europe

    In the wake of the atrocities in Norway perpetrated by Anders Behring Breivik, it is still unclear whether he was part of a wider conspiracy, but alarm bells are now ringing across Europe about the threat from far-right extremist groups. With no end in sight to the economic crisis afflicting many nations, the growing fear is that voters are increasingly.. More

  • Tripoli celebrates first post-Gaddafi Eid

    Libyans in Tripoli's seaside Martyrs Square have marked the first post-Muammar Gaddafi celebration of Eid al-Fitr, coming out in huge numbers to revel in newly gained independence. At dawn, thousands of men and about 200 women gathered on huge green carpets to make the special dawn prayer, intoning praise for God before the old stone walls where Gaddafi.. More

  • Fatal torture 'widespread' in Syrian jails

    Amnesty International says it has documented the cases of 88 people who have died in Syrian prisons since anti-government protests began in the country. Citing footage of victims before burial provided by families and activists, the UK-based rights group said there was evidence of torture and abuse. Injuries identified by forensic experts showed evidence.. More

  • Survivor tells of mass killing

    From inside a makeshift prison across the street from Muammar Gaddafi’s compound, Osama Mansour el-Hadi listened to the beginning of the end. It was Tuesday, and opposition forces had begun to overrun the sprawling 6km-square complex, known as the Bab al-Aziziya, where Gaddafi’s palace and the homes of his innermost clique sat in a warren.. More

  • Horrors in Hama

    A trainee doctor tells of the bloodshed he witnessed during the Syrian army's siege of the city of Hama. The three young men were running to the Horany hospital to give blood when several shots rang out and 18-year-old Talha Khamees fell to the ground, his own dark blood spilling from the hole where his left eye used to be. As he lay sprawled on the.. More

  • Kashmir: The forgotten conflict

    Since the partition of India and Pakistan, Kashmir's voice has been largely ignored. It's a question as old as you want it to be, but one that it is alive today, six decades after the decolonization of the Indian subcontinent left Kashmir divided between India and Pakistan, clearly suggesting that Kashmiris themselves have not even been asked. Or been.. More

  • 168 Children Murdered by US Drones

    The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) last month began to publish their findings in a study of the U.S. drone war in Pakistan. The study found that much higher rates of civilian casualties had resulted from the U.S. drone war than had been admitted by the government or than had been reported in the press. As I blogged about at the time, just.. More

  • Modified killer T-cells wipe out leukemia: US study

    A breakthrough therapy to modify patients' T-cells into potent tumor-killing agents has helped three leukemia sufferers stay cancer-free for a year, US researchers said Wednesday. The findings are the first to show how gene transfer therapy can make specialized T-cells, which guard the body from infection, that attack cancerous tumors in advanced cases.. More

  • Islamophobia, Zionism and the Norway massacre

    In a Washington Post op-ed last week, Abraham Foxman, the National Director of the Anti Defamation League, likened the hateful ideology that inspired Anders Behring Breivik to massacre 77 innocent people in Norway to the "deadly" anti-Semitism that infected Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. This is a parallel that I, and many others.. More

  • Syria: Violence in the dark

    When widespread protests broke out in Syria in March, President Bashar al-Assad's regime turned to its feared security services to smother the anti-government movement. The bloody response has so far succeeded where other attempts to put down the "Arab awakening" have failed, and President Assad remains in power. Verifying the toll of the.. More

  • Blaming Muslims - yet again

    With at least 92 people dead and several injured, the brutality of Friday's attacks in Norway left the country reeling. But who to blame for the bomb blast that tore through Oslo's government district and the shooting spree that left scores of teenagers dead at a youth summer camp in nearby Utoya? Moments after the explosion that, as of Saturday night,.. More

  • Hidden bombs hit Libyans

    The conflict in Libya will continue to take its toll on communities long after the war has ended as long as hidden bombs remain scattered across public areas. Fifteen-year-old Misrata resident Mohammed lost most of his left hand and sustained shrapnel injuries to his abdomen in April after an unexploded ordnance found near his house detonated in his.. More

  • UN: Somalia is 'worst humanitarian disaster'

    The head of the United Nations refugee agency has described the situation in drought-hit Somalia as the "worst humanitarian disaster" in the world, after meeting with those affected at the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya. The camp, located in the northeast and the world's largest in the world, is overflowing with tens of thousands of refugees.. More